moi? a bookaholic?

Aug 02, 2005 11:59

How many of these apply to you?

1. I have read fiction when I was depressed, or to cheer myself up.

2. I have gone on reading binges of an entire book or more in a day.

3. I read rapidly, often 'gulping' chapters.
..or entire books.

4. I have sometimes read early in the morning or before work.

5. I have hidden books in different places to sneak a chapter without being seen.
hmm. not this bad yet- but then my job is pretty flexible 8-)

6. I keep a book in my pocket to be sure I'm never without one.
No. don't even have one in my bag... but make sure I have lots when I go on
holidays or catching public transport.

7. Sometimes I avoid friends or family obligations in order to read novels.
well... sometimes.

8. Sometimes I re-write film or television dialog as the characters speak.
no. don't fancy myself as a writer.

9. I am unable to enjoy myself with others unless there is a book nearby.
No. I'm not *that* bad.

10. At a party, I will often slip off unnoticed to read.
No. haven't done that - but have sometimes gone to parties then wished I was
at home reading...

11. Reading has made me seek haunts and companions which I would otherwise avoid.
hmm.. sometimes!

12. I have neglected personal hygiene or household chores until I have finished a novel.
umm... yes...

13. I have spent money meant for necessities on books instead.
hmm - don't think I have ever been that poor - besides - there is always the

14. I have attempted to check out more library books than permitted.
hmm. no. Used to wish I could borrow more though. But when I was library monitor I could
return and borrow books at the time anyway.

15. Most of my friends are heavy fiction readers.
well, a lot of them are although I do have *some* "normal" friends!

16. I have sometimes passed out from a night of heavy reading.
no. but have forgone sleep a lot.

17. I have suffered 'blackouts' or memory loss from a bout of reading.

18. I have wept, become angry, or very emotional because of something I read.

19. I have sometimes wished I did not read so much.
Why in the world would I wish that?

20. Sometimes I think my reading is out of control.
umm - beginning to think this!

If you answered 'yes' to three or more of these questions, you may be a literature abuser.

Abusers become withdrawn, uninterested in society or normal relationships. They fantasize, creating alternative worlds to occupy, to the neglect of friends and family.

In severe cases they develop bad posture from reading in awkward positions or carrying heavy book bags.

Excessive reading during pregnancy is perhaps the number one cause of moral deformity among the children of English professors, teachers of English and creative writing. Known as Fetal Fiction Syndrome, this disease also leaves its victims prone to a lifetime of nearsightedness, daydreaming and emotional instability.

Children should be encouraged to seek physical activity and to avoid isolation and morbid introspection.


ok ok! I am a bookaholic!
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