Stargate SG-1: Of One Body

May 31, 2008 15:30

Title: Of One Body
Author: chris4short
prompt_in_a_box: Round #3
Prompt #10: "When indeed shall we learn that we are all related one to the other, that we are all members of one body?" - Helen Keller
Word Count: 656
Genre: humor(ish)/fluff
Rating: PG
Warnings: none that I know of
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Pairing/Character: Jack and Thor (pure friendship here!)
Summary: How long have we come... and how far do we still have to go?
Timeline: Oh end of S10 I suppose...
Author's Note: Jack was most uncooperative. He wanted to be written while I was at work, in bed, surfing the internet, researching... even signing up for my teaching degree. And they say ACTORS are impossible! HA!

Jack O’Neill walked down the hallway, nodding to the passing SFs. He was on a mission, like always, but this one was to settle a personal quest. He had used his General powers to call the Asgard, and particularly Thor, to ask the burning questions.

He rounded the corner and once more tried to formulate the question. He had been grappling with them for a while. The last few months had been critical to “war with the Ori” as he had dubbed it privately. If there was any war with terror, it wasn’t as scary as the one above the planet, in the vastness of space.

But how did you ask a question that would elevate you - the whole planet, a whole race of peoples - to a plane that only a few other races had shown themselves worthy of having. However, Jack smiled, they had been picked and peaked thousand’s of years ago. But still, how did you ask a question that would put you on equal footing as them?

Thor beamed down two minutes after Jack entered the room. The two exchanged the pleasantries, a very Earth tradition. For a second, Jack stuffed his hands in his pockets and stared at the ground, wondering what word he would even pick to start the conversation.

“So, I’ve been thinking,” Jack started, wondering how else he could have said it. “We’ve been friends, even done a few missions side by side, and well… I’m wondering where we - the Earthlings - are in the grand scheme of things.”

Jack watched as Thor gave his version of a smile. “You have proven a good model for your people.” He paused and stepped closer to Jack and looked up at him with his wide eyes. “You are a warrior, and have proven yourself and your people to all of the universe.”

Jack nodded slowly. “Thanks, buddy. Um, you know we have been kicking asses and taking names these past few years, and, well, I was kind of thinking about how in the past there have been some races of… aliens, who haven’t been very … fond of us being as advanced as we are.” He paused and tried to channel Daniel and his diplomatic ways. “Is there any way we can get voted into the final five?”

Thor did his characteristic “no idea what you just said,” blink and Jack shoved his hands deeper into his pockets.

“The fifth race, if indeed that is what you speak of, was a powerful race. They, however, have been long gone from memory. Only my people, the Nox, the Furlings, and the Ancients still remain.”

“Really? The Furlings still are around? Very cool. When do we get to be finally introduced,” Jack said, letting his boy-like excitement shine through.

“O’Neil. You are asking to become the new fifth race, are you not?”

Jack scratched his head for a moment. “Did I bumble my way through it that badly, or am I that obvious?”

“You are, as you say, a man of great wisdom. You have shown to all the races that you could be great. Your constant battles for the safety of this and other universes are always being watched. I do not see why we can’t be of one body.”

Jack raised an eyebrow for a moment. “Ah, you mean metaphorically. I agree with you their buddy.”

“I will bring it before the Nox, Furlings and Ancients. I believe the Asgard Council will support you in this.”

As they parted, Thor beaming away, and Jack stood looking where he had been a moment ago. Jack couldn’t help but smile. They had come a long way, and they were not “little children” as the Nox said once. They had fought their own battles, and Earth, and its people, had proven themselves capable warriors among the stars.

Now maybe they’d be recognize they were of one body, as Thor had put it.

short fic: sg1, genre: fluff, rated: pg, writer: chris4short, genre: humor

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