Title: A minor bet
Author: eviebean
Rating: K
Characters/Pairing: Mary/Matthew
Warnings: Maybe for the Mrs. Patmore fans. Be warned.
Challenge: 1. Sacrifice
It wasn’t his fault.
It was one of those things that came about on a Sunday walk, when they’d exhausted the town gossip and pleasantries. The question had been simple, daring him to give up something loved for a week.
He’d thought about it, before finally settling on scotch . She’d giggled. In turn, he’d dared her to give up dessert.
The first one to give in would buy the other a cup of tea after church the following Sunday.
Sure, Lord Crawley had given him a strange looks and Mrs. Patmore had reportedly cried in confusion, but it was worth it to exchange those secretive looks with her across the dinner table, and to be the one the buy the Sunday tea anyway.