Title: With Great Privilege
frostyblossomRating: G
Characters: Mary, Edith
Challenge: #1 - Sacrifice
With Great Privilege
The conversation had frozen - it was clear Cousin Mary preferred to be somewhere else. Amid her perfunctory replies her eyes grazed ravenously over the other guests until she seized an opportunity of escape: A pleasure, Cousin, but she really must take her leave, had been meaning to catch a word with His Grace all evening.
She left him then, without a single backwards glance, cool and vacant air filling the empty space where once she stood. He felt chilled and disappointed, till a breath of warmth drew closer - Cousin Edith was making her way towards him, swathed in sun-dyed hair and a summery smile. They spoke all night, of books and music and the state of the estate, engaged in conversation the way they never could be in matrimony.
For Patrick Crawley understands that with great privilege comes responsibility, and duty, and most of all - sacrifice.