Title: Just Cause Author: Aussie Rated: T (200) word drabble For both the ‘in the kitchen’ and ‘funeral’ prompts. Characters: Mrs Patmore, Mr Mason For nixmom!
Since they’d sat down, he hadn’t uttered a word. She’d rabbited on about everything and nothing. He didn’t seem to mind. Perhaps he was scared of silence too.
And Elsie standing guard is so perfect.
Mrs. Patmore/Mr. Mason lives!!!! I think this needs to be canon!
It's actually interesting to note that all of them are going through as much, if not more, angst as the family, and yet they all keep going. They're made of stern stuff!
They're so adorable, always. For some reason the dabbing at her eyes description gave me a very clear image in my head. I like the switch between his use of "we" regarding Daisy, and her use of "you" regarding Dasiy. Very nice.
I actually cut a bit out of this. I was hovering at 240 words and for some reason (habit, I guess), I wanted to either make it 200 or 300, but I refused to cut her dabbing at her eyes out! So, I'm glad you liked that part!
I did do the 'we' 'you' thing deliberately, thinking that she was sure she would Daisy part of his family.
Comments 10
Since they’d sat down, he hadn’t uttered a word. She’d rabbited on about everything and nothing. He didn’t seem to mind. Perhaps he was scared of silence too.
And Elsie standing guard is so perfect.
Mrs. Patmore/Mr. Mason lives!!!! I think this needs to be canon!
For some reason the dabbing at her eyes description gave me a very clear image in my head.
I like the switch between his use of "we" regarding Daisy, and her use of "you" regarding Dasiy. Very nice.
I did do the 'we' 'you' thing deliberately, thinking that she was sure she would Daisy part of his family.
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