Title: Sisters
Author: Michelle
Rating: T
Characters: Sybil, Branson
Word count: 300
Three months after the baby is born, Edith and Mary come for a visit. Sybil supposes that she should be angry that it’s only her sisters (she’s seen neither of her parents in over a year), but she’s merely grateful to see people from her old life.
Her sisters bring gifts for the newest addition to the Branson household, one of which Mary avers was selected by their father. Despite Mary’s promises, Sybil only recognizes her mother’s hand in the curly haired doll.
Her sisters have changed since she’s seen them last. When Mary and Edith came over for the wedding, they’d stayed at a local inn. This time, however, they’d readily agreed to stay in the extra room that Tom has been converting into a nursery. The Branson flat isn’t exactly small, but Sybil is surprised that her sisters would stay in such close quarters with each other. Stay they do, however, and it’s very nice, even if it’s a bit strange.
Meal times, though, are decidedly the strangest. Sybil’s just started feeling like herself again, but she’s not quite up to taking care of the baby’s needs and cooking for four adults. It shocks her to no end when her sisters not only help Tom prepare dinner, but are actually the ones to offer in the first place.
After feeding the baby, Sybil makes her way back to the kitchen, and offers to lend a hand. Mary shoos her away, and Sybil takes a seat at a kitchen chair, happy to watch the three of them work. After all, there is nothing quite like watching her husband order her sisters around the kitchen. Tom’s obviously enjoying it.
The feelings that arise while she watches the three of them work isn’t quite contentment, but she isn’t going to complain.