Jan 25, 2012 00:09
fell asleep with my phone on vibrate next to me on the little couch. after getting home from Party Owl at 10:15 with plans to meet jayne at 11, i couldn't help but feel that dizzying anxiety of having to operate in real life when i feel insane.
worked from 7-3:30, neither early or late, but very long. got home to eat and shower with jaron. our life together has always been a molecular chain of moments. just as long as we see eachother awake at least once i feel like we've done the right thing that day.
as much writing as i put into the world, there just didn't seem to be room for me in any of it. everything- songs, tumblr blogs, facebook statuses- only had space for a detached Candide version of me. so that's why i'm back here. so, dear no one, thank you for reading.