I can't believe I was able to explain that to my parents without mentioning slash.

Nov 15, 2008 15:01

~Porne!!! We practically have canon Porne! [For those of you who haven't seen it but are spoiling yourselves anyway, remember Dr. Parrish, the botanist in season two's "Runner" that had such great chemistry with Lorne in his sole 30 seconds onscreen that people have been writing Parrish/Lorne ever since? He was back in this episode (!), and when he got all excited about a plant, John muttered something like, "Lorne warned me about this." (!!!)] It seems like pretty blatant fanservice (which I explained to my parents as "people really liked the actor when he was on" so they would understand my uncontrollable squeeing and flailing).

~I missed Teyla and Ronon, though. The bits at beginning and end were not enough. :(

~I actually really liked the way this ep came together. I thought it was entertaining and well-organized, and hey, everything that I saw as a weakness/mistake (Kolya NOT BEING DEAD, John not checking for the safety of his people first, throwing plausisbility out the window, etc.) can be explained by "it was the AI messing with their heads." It gives me comfort about the upcoming SGA movie, because while I've disliked to actively hated most of Mullie and Mallozzi's episodes in the past, I've really liked some of the ones this season (this one and Broken Ties). I'm not dreading the movie like I once was.

~I really, really adore Woolsey. My mom was like, "But why would he want to stay in Atlantis?" and I responded, "Because Atlantis is for the misfits, and he totally belongs!"

~John totally tortures himself all the time. I don't know why my parents were surprised.

~Oh, Rodney, of course Zelenka calling you brilliant would all be in your head. *pets*

~I still can't get over it! PORNE!!!!! ♥♥♥

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