Oh, John, how I love you...

Jul 19, 2008 16:29

Of course Rodney goes to visit Carson! And of course he'd try to hide that that was what he was doing. Aw... At least Teyla and Jennifer appreciate it.

I love how all it takes is a look from John to make Rodney stand up for Woosley's entrance.

So, the thing with Keller's hand was pretty creepy. Are we supposed to think that it's a hallucination, or is she really so stupid as to think that weird happenings on an ALIEN base shouldn't be reported?

John, John, John... How is it that you think you're straight again? Any other guy wuld have come back from the future and told his best friend, "Hey, you know that nice, pretty girl over there? You totally have a shot at real happiness with her!" John? Keeps his mouth shut. Hmmm...

Woolsey being a bit of an ass and just NOT. GETTING. IT. Big surprise, there.

Carson's back, but is it for good? I'd gotten used to Jennifer, and now she's in the main credits. (She's also the only woman other than Teyla, so I certainly hope they keep her around!)

John looking out for Keller--is it him just caring or does he feel guilty about not telling her that she and Rodney could be happy together?

Oh, they're sending Carson back to Earth...

I love how Teyla knows what Rodney will need to break into Jennifer's room!

Um, ew. I thought it would just be more of the slimy white webbing. Those things are gross.

And they all have it. Dun dun DUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.

John and his golf clubs. Hee. When Woosley told him he was still confined to quarters, I thought he was going to use it.

Radek!!! ♥

Oooh, backstory on Wraith tech, awesome. Them getting the hell out of Dodge and deserting Keller? Not awesome.

"They've got us stuck in our quarters while the new guy takes advice from the B team?!" Oh, Rodney, I love you. And your sparkly curtains--taking decorating tips from John, I see.

And of course we don't know how to stop it. We still have twenty minutes left.

Don't split up, you silly people!

SEE?!?!?!?! This is what happens when you split up!

Uhoh. Now you made it angry...

Of course, John. Never let someone else throw themselves on a perfectly good grenade when you're around, right? Notice how he and Rodney can't meet each other's eyes when he's being fastened into the restraints? XD

Holy hell, John's heart has sure stopped a lot.

Yay, Ronon. Don't even wait for Woolsey's approval.

The lock of hair across the forehead? Very hot.

And of course Rodney is pacing by John's bedside.

"Sorry I didn't have time to fill out the paperwork." I'm just glad Rodney wasn't there to watch John ride off to potential death in a jumper again.

Only John would consider crashing through the side of the building a shortcut.

Yay, the day, it is saved.

Why is John's recovery going to be longer? Because it took information from Keller's mind and went for his previous injury?

Are you fucking kidding me? Teyla still hasn't gotten any decent character development, and Woolsey gets some his first fucking episode? *seethes*

Eh, not as good as last week's, but okay overall.

meta: sga

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