Amazing. I loved it. It's twisted and dark and complex and human--everything that Batman should be. There were things I felt smart for figuring out before the characters (the address switch, the "social experiment"), things I should have figured out sooner (that they couldn't kill off Gordon, because he wasn't the Commissioner yet), things that kept me on the edge of my seat in anticipation (all of the Harvey Dent foreshadowing), and things I never saw coming in a million years (them actually killing off Rachel Dawes, the prisoner on the ferry tossing the detonator out the window). Sometime when I am not so dead, I might write out my thoughts on why Batman is the best superhero ever. Also, Heath Ledger's performance was mindblowing, although I see why it left him with a lasting need for medication... I'm going to crash and hope for no nightmares. Thank heavens for one p.m. call!