I suck at writing thought-provoking reviews, so you just get immediate reactions. And, if you're not interested in these shows, then keep scrolling by.
First off, I swore Shawn Ashmore was casted as Jimmy Olsen. I was, like, huh, that's cool that they let you break from the X-Men stuff. It wasn't until later when I IMDB'd the dude and found out that he's his twin, Aaron. Huh! I never knew he had a twin. Damn, life surprises!
I'm not quite sure that I like these random people who claim that they knew Jor-El. From my understanding of canon, NO ONE survived the destruction of Krypton except Kal-El (Clark). Of course, even if that's not true or is true, I can understand that there's flexibility enough that it's believable enough. I just hate seeing these random girls coming onto the scene and whatnot. Why can't there be a dude who was an assistant to Jor-El?
Mmmm... Clexy scene where "Zod" whisked Clark away in his arms out in the middle of nowhere. That was hot.
Aw, poor Clarky. He looked heartbroken when Chloe was macking on Jimmy instead of him. haha, yeah, I said macking :p
I'm surprisingly NOT bothered by Martha and Lionel potentially getting it on. That's so isn't Superman mythology, but that's okay. O'Toole and Glover have more chemistry together than she did with Schneider, but even so...
Final thoughts? Is Spike coming back? I hope?!
OMG!! This show KILLS me! I love it so much, and being spoiler-free adds more to the tension. So, if you're going to comment on anything, please don't spoil further than this premiere. Please, thanks!
Dean's plea to live in regards to Sam: "What about Sam? He... he may not be able to live without me." *snuggles Dean*
Dean knocking the glass off the table in his spirit form... Wait for it... YES! I so knew he was gonna make a Ghost reference.
Dean and Sam doing the ouija together... I don't know why this was so erotic to me. I'm sure there's a fic with this out there. If there isn't, someone should write it! *peers at flist*
Someone theorized last season that the reason Sam has these psychic connections and why HIS mom and HIS gf died is because Sam is the son of the demon. I totally see that being even more compelling-truth, especially with Papa Winchester dying. Something tells me that that's not the last we'll see of the loverly Jeffrey Dean Morgan though.
*offshoot comment* My bf says he's getting addicted to Weeds. I think I'll have to buy the first season not only for his interest, but so I can get more JDM! Oh yeah! */end offshoot comment*
Oh this show kills me!! And, I can not wait for the WinCon in less than a month. The fangirls are part of the reason I so love my boys, the show, and just in general. I so can't wait to meet you girlies! :)
Meredith's decision to date both guys made the most sense to me. Go her! On the same token, I read in one of my LJ friends that the best thing about Meredith is her relationships with patients and her friends. Her love life, on the other hand, is old. I love Chris O'Donnell, but there's something about Finn that's just too goody-good... but after Derek's reaction to Addy's affair (in last week's episode), I don't know that I like him either. At least, he seems to me to be more 3D than Meredith. I don't know why Meredith has to be with anyone though. I just think she doesn't know how to be anyone else but that, which is pretty sad.
George getting jealous over Callie and the "special panties." That was so cute. His too short of hair, not cute.
OMG! It's Emmett from QAF! And, he's gay too; that's awesome. His character died, but damn he had personality.
My love for these other characters just keep attached to this show. This show has what E.R. never had: characters with personality. Because as annoying as Meredith and Derek are, they still have more personality than a lot of the other characters I see on other tv shows.
But sheesh, someone tell me who was coming out of the shower when Derek was in Addison's room!!! My DVR cut off right then! Anyone? Was it Alex?! Help!!