and sometimes, i even talk about religion. SCANDAL.

Mar 18, 2008 20:45

Things Wot I Adore:

1. Barack Obama's speech on a More Perfect Union. Full text of his speech here. YouTube video here.

2. Keith Olbermann's open letter to Senator Clinton, as feisty as he is. Full text of his response here. And the YouTube video, even though MSNBC has the video on its website.

.....gratuitous Olbermann pictures, because he is adorable. Suspenders! Snark! Glasses! Intelligence!! I am overcome.

3. Hillary Clinton's speech on Education, even though it is from October. Full text here.

Things Wot I Do Not Adore:
The media dumbing down this election, AGAIN.

I do not vote with my coffee or tea choices. I do not vote with my vagina. I do not vote with my skin color. Can we please, please stop with the divisive behavior?? I much prefer Obama over Clinton for a variety of reasons, but FOR FUCK'S SAKE that doesn't make me a traitor to my gender, a traitor to my race, a traitor to women's colleges, or a traitor to anything. It also doesn't make me a bandwagon voter, blinded by idealism, or any other language that talks down about Obama's message. Also? Just because someone is a Clinton supporter, that doesn't mean they are hardened, cynical, or voting for a just a familiar face. Just... stop. Let's all just stop.

Obama talks about race, possibly because it has affected his life a little bit. Clinton talks about gender, possibly because it has affected her life a little bit. That doesn't mean that Clinton is racist or that Obama is sexist. It means that their lives have shaped their positions and their campaigns; if they didn't, I'd be a bit concerned. These are two of the biggest cultural issues affecting our time, and BOTH need to be addressed. Can we be glad that that the race for the Democratic nomination is between a black man and a white woman (stop, hear that again-- a black man and a white woman), and relish in the fact that we will have one of these two qualified, brilliant candidates to vote for come November?


*goes back to making Hilary icons, because HOW DO YOU IGNORE SUCH A GORGEOUS HEADSHOT. You don't, that's how. It is begging to be made into pretty icons that are much above my talent level.*

society: obama, society: clinton, society: olbermann, society: politics

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