My phone has been acting dodgy since Festival. This week it got rather worse and Google told me that the symptoms were of a fairly common hardware problem, solution - send it back for repair.
This moring it acted up in a very annoying fashion and the idea of sending in a 3 year old phone struck me as not worth the effort. So I had a look at Telstra plans and decided on my new phone, the Samsung Galaxy II.
JB listed them as included in a $60 plan, so I went there. The young woman at the counter thought they were sold out everywhere, but realised that they had some to sell as pre-paid phones and that the price point meant she could put it on a plan for me. Signed papers, moved my sim and SD card from old phone to new and it all Just Worked. Only hiccup was me failing to remember my google password but I got it right eventually. (At least Google gives you a fair number of tries before it locks you out) Easiest phone change evah! Sometimes technology os a joy. 8->
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