
Oct 14, 2005 17:30

This morning, on my way out the door, with Isaac already in the car, as an afterthought, I decided to leave Armstrong some fresh food.  I opened the door to his crate and noticed that he was missing significant amounts of hair!  Bare, naked skin affronted my eyes.  The naked skin was around some sores that he'd gotten about a week ago.  Sores I never bothered cleaning.  Sores I thought he'd given himself by chewing at the discomfort of having to travel to Houston with us for Isaac's party.  I totally freaked out.  I was in a hurry, so I sprayed him with some Dermaplast and just left.

When I arrived back home about three hours later, I started tending to these wounds.  Were they self-inflicted?  If so, we'd have to revert to the Elizabethan collar again (the one we used to help his tail heal up). Were they simply bed sores gone amuk from having to lie down all the time?  As I was cleaning around the scabs, the hair just started falling off into my hands.  I could literally peel it off, much the same way you'd peel sunburned skin.  I was peeling off skin and hair.  It was so gross.  The skin underneath was greyish-pink, soft, and normal looking.  I don't know why his hair was falling out.  And I don't know what caused the sores.  My best guess is that they're bed sores.  Anyhow, I'm going to treat them like bed sores and hope he gets better.  I'm also going to make sure he eats more food and drinks more water.  We should probably call Dr. Pippin.  Other than these strange sores, he's really doing well.  He'll walk around the house now, and you can tell he's wanting to jump up on things, too, even though we refrain him since he's only three weeks into a six week recuperation period.

I'm happy that tonight is Friday night. It means a full weekend with my dear hubby.  And, hopefully a relaxing one at that.


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