Not sure what I'm feeling

Feb 13, 2009 20:31

It's kind of a mix between frustration and gratitude. Weird, huh?

I'm frustrated because it was our goal to sell our van before Feb 24 (long story), but today while Steve was doing some last minute fixerup stuff to it something obnoxious broke.  It can be fixed, and it may not even cost us more money. But will cost time. Lots of time. And it will zap Steve's energy. And it may mean that we don't sell it by then. Ick.

I'm also frustrated because we'd arranged to have a friend watch the boys each morning this month so that we could do another cold calling push like we did last March.  That one doubled our business for the year and landed us several awesome new clients. But today the friend backed out on us because of her family's inconsistent health and zapped energy levels. It's perfectly reasonable, but definitely disappointing. The somewhat good news is that we have another friend on standby, a guy who's not even asking us for money. He's just got a part-time job working afternoons and evenings and is bored in the mornings so he wants to help. But I'm not sure he'd be willing to do it EVERY morning, so that may put a big crimp in this cold calling push of ours.

Guess we'll see.

I'm grateful, though, because I see many other things coming together.

FoodRenegade's been invited to join two blogging networks. One is undeniably awesome but just getting started ( The other is quite established ( Plus, I'm finally starting to get back on the guest-posting bandwagon so that I can drive more visitors to my site.

I've learned a heckuva lot about niche marketing online and think it may be a really viable income stream for us -- particularly for Steve. ...And he agrees!

And Steve's been accepted to enter a drug study testing Vitamin B3 (niacin).  Supposedly niacin is an effective treatment for lowering blood cholesterol levels. Anyhow, he thinks it will be his best volunteering experience ever. As in, you get a dose of the control niacin the morning after you check in, then you have absolutely NO procedures for 10 days while they wait for it to wash out of your system, then you get dosed again with the niacin they're testing and go home 4 days later. Not a lot of prodding, poking, or blood draws. An easy $4K to test something you can buy over the counter.

He was excluded from the most recent study just minutes before dosing. They only needed 10 people and had called in 18, so they had to send 8 people home. Steve was one of those people. So, we're still where we were at before he went into that study -- in desperate need of catching up on our finances and putting our emergency fund back in place.

I'm tired and sleepy. Steve laid down to take a nap at 5pm, and he's still asleep. He may just sleep through the night. I put both kids to bed myself, and now I'm chillin'.
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