Jun 10, 2005 00:51
I sit here now calm and relaxed, Watching "Revenge Of The Sith" I keep replaying scene after scene I will have seen it like four times by the time I make it thru it once:)
Why did'nt Obi force push the buzz droids off at the beginning hmmm guess the force does'nt work thru glass:( Why did'nt Dooku bust out the Palpatine when his death was ordered??? Does he get like 72 virgin brides or something in the afterlife. Arrrrrg the fight with Grevious is scrambled!!!All the way to,Ani telling uncle Mace about the big bad villian NOOOOO!!! Anikin don't save Palpatine!!!!Opps there went Mace's arm. He did'nt listen. He sure is quick to turn on his friends DAMN!!!OH NO!!! Order 66!! REPLAY NOOOOO!!! Anikin don't save Palpatine!!!!Opps there went Mace's arm. He STILL did'nt listen!!!!.
When Mace is flung out the window could'nt he have used the force to save himself from the fall?I've always wondered about that. Poor Yoda being so in tune with the force.
Ohhhh lockup and jump back to oh poor Mace.....I think Mace overreacted when his arm got cut off I mean think about it the light saber would destroy the nerve endings it should'nt be that bad. Whoa he is one ugly mother fucheyyy anyway ohhhh Darth Vader "He made me a lord so I guess I'll kill my friends" could you imagine him working at Burgerking?!? Hey Anikin wanna make shift manager? You'll have more power there*grins* Whoa my X-box just gave me the finger and said "yeahno get this glitchie piece of crap out of me " I no longer recognize disk error error zzzztttkkthis would be great if I was drawing StarWars, Master Skywalker will save the childerrrrr guess not. Bye E.T phone home little guy oh wait that was Yoda.....Awww Anikin is soooo careing, and so loyal. Leia's blockade runner:) Uh-oh need sunblock planet. Yoda KICKS ASS!!!! Oooh Ani is evil. Go Galactic Empirerrrr ummm ohhh liberty died:( How do that have that on halocrom or whatever it was Palpatine's chambers???? Poor Padme:( NOOO!! Anikin not Padme!!!Oh their gonna fight!!! Ohhh lightsaber fight wootwoot. Fried Yoda yummmmm. Yoda just took an Akido stance!!! Awwwwpoor Yoda:( This is the end for you my master. You underestimate my power, Don't try it. Whoops you did'nt need legs anyway. You were the CHOSEN ONE!!!Hmmmm he wears pretty combustible clothes.Obi does'nt offer a quick death...let him burn he says. Luke first born, I wondered. Ahhhhh Darth Vader YAY!!!!!!!!!I mean ummmm
But this morning I was on the verge of freaking out. Last night at karate class Terri looked at my ankle and was less than impressed at how it was healing, she told me it needed rest and elevation.
Later at Brians house he up and said "Yeah, I think you broke something" ouch....not the words I wanted to hear and this morning the thought of something broke, the time off required from work, the loss of revenue, missing karate and falling behind in belt rank, falling behind in bills, ohhh boy the thoughts eat at me, if this is what a break feels like it does'nt hurt thaaaat bad , I'll have to keep working for like 2 months before I can afford to take off...if only this had happened at work. Hmmmm I had a plan if the car broke down, just not if I broke down. So at this point I'm hopeful it's only a severe sprain....
I started spanish today just for fun now I'll switch between it and japanese to keep things from getting boring, After those two I've decided on arabic since they own all the convenient stores and Church's Chicken's in town:)I lost myself in the cds and was able to forget about my foot.