Jul 17, 2008 12:27
from the Jerusalem post:
Preparations are in full swing in Lebanon to celebrate the return of Samir Kuntar.
Kuntar, who is serving multiple life sentences for one of the most brutal terrorist attacks in Israel's history, is due to be released tomorrow as part of a prisoner exchange with Hizbullah for Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev, the two soldiers abducted in a July 2006 cross-border raid that triggered the Second Lebanon War.
However, the Lebanese people and government - and those others in the Arab world, including among the Palestinians, so delighted by Kuntar's release - might want to ask themselves whether this monster is worthy of such glorification. Is he the kind of man they want as their idol? And if so, what does that say about them?
During his 29 years in an Israeli jail, according to his Israeli attorney, Kuntar has learned fluent Hebrew, married and divorced an Israeli Arab woman (who received a monthly stipend from the government and conjugal visits), and completed a social science degree via the Open University.
He has never expressed remorse, and, according to the Palestinian Authority newspaper al-Hayat al-Jadida, wrote a letter recently to Nasrallah promising not to abandon the jihad against Israel. "I give you my promise and oath that my only place will be in the fighting front soaked with the sweat of your giving and with the blood of the shahids, the dearest people, and that I will continue your way until we reach a full victory," the paper quoted him as writing. The newspaper, incidentally, carried an article calling Kuntar "a beacon of light" and an "authentic role model."
PERHAPS Kuntar's supporters should read the eerie recollection of Smadar Haran Kaiser, now remarried with two children, of his terror cell.
"I will never forget the joy and the hatred in their voices as they swaggered about hunting for us, firing their guns and throwing grenades," she wrote in an article for The Washington Post. "I emphasized the joy and hatred in their voices for a reason.
"It is hard for anyone with normal sensibilities to comprehend how someone can feel joy and hatred while smashing in the head of a four-year-old child. What kind of pathology can cause a society to celebrate such evil?"