Should stupid people breed?

Sep 18, 2006 12:43

My conversation with Joe over face book.

Joe: Why do you support Israel

Me: I support Israel because it is a democaracy that has things I value like freedom of speech, freedom of religion , equal rights and the right to a fair trial. Why wouldn't you support it?

Joe: because they support tyrany, close mindedness, and act llike they deserve a country whether it's built upon the blood of innocents or not... I'm no racist or hold and ill will towards jewish people, but I cannot say the same thing about zionist who place themselves higher than god when they dehumanize the palestinians to the point that they are daily jailed, raped, and beaten without international attention... And why is it that we see only israel as the true voice of reason in the east is because of ignorant people like you who believe whatever the hell you see on T.V. without taking some damn initiative and reading more about what's really going on.. The farther you get away from the bias media here the closer you get to the truth.. and that truth is that what happened to the jewish people in nazi germany is being repeated again to the palestinians but the time the zionists have taken over for the Nazi's.. though true it's on a slightly smaller scale, but just for your own reference find diff. websites that show the count of dead for each side and ask yourself why you only hear about israelis in trouble and how bad palestinians are... don't you think when news sounds so one sided there's a chance that they are hiding something... nothing in this world is one sided friend... perhaps it's time for a little re-education, and a little humility for supporting a system that you know nothing about.

ME: Would you mind citing your sources for your accusations against Israel?

Have you ever been to Israel? I have. Palestinians are not raped, beaten or jailed daily. Palestinians have due process in Israel and if any up in jail it is because they did something wrong. Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel (Israel doesn’t have a constitution) proclaimed that the state " it will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience…” Which is the opposite of the rest of the Middle east.

In the Arab World, you don not have any of the freedoms that you have an Israel. No Freedom of Speech, no freedom of the press, no freedom to practice your religion, homosexuality is punishable by death, and property rights are not respected. (See Iranian Constitution and governing laws of the Arab countries.)

We see Israel as a voice for reason because it is a democracy. You see in a democracy the people decide if something is good, if a policy works, and if it doesn't the people vote out the people who passed the law or policy and it gets changed. In dictatorships and monarchies, the people have no choice but to follow their leader.

We hear about the death of Palestinians all the time, if you don’t hear about them you need to check your hearing, or buy a TV. I mean a quick check to google news would send you to Bahrain News, Al-Jezeera and the International Middle East Media center all have headlines talking about Israelis attacking Palestinians.

Comparing what is happening in Israel to Nazi Germany is an unfair accusation. In Nazi Germany a country systematically exterminated people, which is far from what is happened in Israel.

I am not sure what news you are watching, but most of the news I see is slanted against Israel. Check out for just one example of multiple news agencies having anti-Israel Bias.

I have a degree in political science and I have taken several courses on Middle East politics, and I have visited the country. There is no need to call me ignorant just because you make assumptions on my beliefs. You asked a question and I responded, you then call me ignorant and arrogant.

What makes you an expert on the Midldle East?

Yes, with this post I am doing a Cavuto. Some people are only alive because the punishment for killing them is life in prison.

politics, israel, middle east

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