part 1

Nov 07, 2005 10:38

You ever wonder why we all are here? Why we are living? What is our purpose?
(I had a brainstorm, so I am going to exspell all my thoughts)

Many people credit their and all life with some religion based hundreds if not thousands of years ago. This idea that there is one or many spiritual superiors out there will leave alot of room for questioning. Why can so many people follow their religion's set rules on faith. It is simple, first our society(Earth) is filled with people interested in being popular(followers) instead of themselves. Our society has lost its identity in the fashion and materialistic beliefs of our world. We valve the newest product more than our fellow man. In fact, most people claim they have friends, but in the end we use our "friends" for some task, humor, or loneliness. We all have to realize that our time her is precious, and should not be wasted on materials or mistreatment of others. Now back to the idea of faith, faith is a condition we all learn in life. All people to some degree believe in a higher power, but some people say they are atheist, religious, or agnostic. But when you think about it, it is people just trying to fit into one group again. I am personally agnostic, but when I thought about these ideas, I realized that I believe in God, I just don't believe in organized religion. I don't believe any one religion is better than the next, because in the end, they all are rooted the same way. Christians have Jesus, Muslims have Mohammad, Jews have Moses. So here is my idea, if you truly believe in God (or whatever it is) your faith, not attendance at a church, synogogue, or mosque will give you the end in which you deserve. Organized religion is the cause of some of the world's most devastating events, the Crusades, Spanish Inquisition, Terrorism, Cult suicides, Witch trials(I mean burnings), etc. So, I just realized that if you believe in God/Jesus for example, follow his teachings not the Church's translation of his teachings. Jesus was condemend by the Jewish holy order, do you think he wanted people to follow that pattern. I believe that organized religion is not faith, faith is the beliefs we hold inside each and everyone of us. In the end, we all are the same, we die the same, we live the same, or beliefs in a way are the same, so why do we persist on fighting like we have nothing in common.

Why do we treat others the way we do?

Here is a small test for everyone who reads this, go through the day without lying to anyone and help those who really need your help. See how far you get into that day before ou say to yourself, "Why am I doing this?"

I have come to the belief that we as a majority follow one ideal passed down from our ancsetors, Look out for numer 1. Normally, most people would say that wasn't true, but in our minds we know we follow it. I wish I could go about my day doing nothing but helping others, and I might do it soon, but that idea is imprinted so hard on our nature that it is hard to remove. Starting today, I am going to always be honest, even if I get in trouble and will help those in need. Most of you are thinking I am crazy, well I am, crazy that I did not think of this sooner. If I look back in the past, I would love to have been honest with the people I know/knew, it would take away alot of the problems that my actions created. If you are able to do just one of these two ideas, then you have succeed in making yourslef a better person, and maybe helping society realize its problems.

At the end of the day, I can't force you to do any of what I suggest, so the decision is up to you as it has always been.

(I plan to add to this text with new parts, if you have any questions or suggestions tell me. I want to here about everyone's opinion and actions. If anyone ever needs advice, just ask me, I'll do my best to help.)
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