Busy, busy, busy.

Oct 09, 2006 01:10

What have I been up to of late?

I entered a competition hosted by White Wolf for their Vampire: The Requiem RPG. The challenge was to submit a bloodline synopsis for their latest splatbook - Bloodlines: The Chosen. I wrote up a take on the Rotgrafen Bloodline (crazy norse style viking vampires). My entry was accepted and is under review by the judges. Wish me luck!

I'm going to be entering another writing competition with the Games Workshop owned company Black Library. They've asked for a short story synopsis for their new antholgy of fiction called 'Invasion!' set in their Warhammer Fantasy setting. Still brainstorming but will run something off for that tomorrow. Ideas and suggestions are welcome.

My Deadlands: Hell On Earth game has become quite grim and action packed in recent sessions. Much crawling through ducts and grimy passages fighting evil robots and horrible mosters. The entire party have been critically injured, three have been mutated by radiation, one has been killed and has risen again as a cannibalistic zombie and finally, one has had her hand eaten by said zombies demonic 'other'. My players seem to be having fun though, so it can't be that bad. Clearly I'll just have to turn the pressure up a few more notches...

Still training, still dieting, still painting. Need to go to the cinema so I can write and send some reviews to the Metro. Hopefully I can add some newspaper articles to my budding portfolio.

Thats all for now! Cheers!
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