Nov 29, 2004 20:07
Thanksgiving was Thanksgiving was Thanksgiving. Went to Ridgewood, visited the grandparents. It was as festive as a trip to the Country Club on Thanksgiving could be. There was much anti-liberal sentiment in the air; I managed to avoid involvement in almost all said conversation. Complaints aside, it was a good time.
From Thursday night to Saturday night, I did nothing but work my arse off on the new apartment. Late into Thursday, 8am - midnight Friday and Saturday my mother, Nicole, and I did nothing but scrub, bleach, fix, replace, disinfect, and paint. (I am a very lucky person to have extra swell people in my life.) Moral of the story: I really don't know how to pick an apartment. For example: just because the sink in the kitchen has great water pressure and runs hot does *not* necessarily mean that underneath, the P-trap isn't held together and in place with tape. Just because there is an intercom on the inside does not mean there is a doorbell on the outside. (How did I miss that one?!?) And so on.
So basically, if anything is the downfall of this apartment, it will be the plumbing. Or me requiring all visitors to own a cellphone. (Or the landlord being sketchy, which sort of ties in to the plumbing and doorbell... but that's always a risk.) I am destined to either learn how to pick apartments (read: pay more per month), or rent from comically careless landlords. Other than that, the location still rocks, and after all the work, it's starting to actually look pretty good. I took "before" pictures -- I will post them w/ the "after" pictures, once everything is done. It's gonna look pretty swell, methinks. Let's just hope it doesn't all fall apart in the end.