Who: Fujiko & Goemon
Where: On the way to deal with Momichi
When: Let's go with Wednesday the 25th (can be changed if you prefer)
Why: Dealing with stuff (hmm I need a Goemon & Fuji icon but the only one I have is with them surfing :|)
What: Mostly talking
Rating: PG for Language.
Fujiko shot him another cautious glance for the fifth time in the last fifteen minutes. To say she was nervous about this didn't beging to cover it. Double crossing Momichi was more than welcome in her book. Bastard deserved a lot worse than anything she could do to him a hundred times over. But of course it was just a reminded that the dead could and did come back here. How long before she'd have to deal with Poon again? And not just his ghost. She didn't want Lupin there but at the same time she was terrified that she wouldn't be able to face it all without him.
And in the meanwhile even just dealing with Goemon on her own was unpleasant. They hadn't gotten along since the first time she'd been coerced into working with Momichi. And even with Lupin as a buffer it'd been difficult. How many times had he stormed off refusing to even work with his best friend as long as Fujiko was there too? It had always felt like working with the Beatles to her with her as Yoko Ono. And in the end she wanted to do what she did best and run the hell away. But this time, no running. She was facing it. Even if it scared her half to death.
At least if he got mad enough to cut up the mini-sub she had an aqualung stashed nearby to swim away.