a LONG photo-story entry...

Apr 25, 2011 17:44

Yesterday at my grandmas we were discussing the talking mother goose. (Did anyone else have one? you put tapes under her wing and she read you stories and there were books you could follow along with) Claire was TERRIFIED of her because Chad and I told her she talked because there was a ghost trapped inside her haha!

But my mom said she bought it because I loved being read to so much and my parents go tired of reading to me, so they would put in a tape at night. (after this they asked me who told better stories. My mom told me crayon stories and Edgar stories- this old man who lived in a creeeeeeeeeky haunted house. Even as a little kid I loved horror stories! and my dad told Peter Pan stories... not sure who was better.)

Anyways, so today I got it in my head that I would like to find mother goose and listen to the tapes. I haven't seen her since we moved my junior year of high school, so I went into the attic to try to locate her and had a small adventure...

*as a necessary precaution, I'm going to have to ask you to ignore my hair in these photos. It was early in the morning before I showered and it's a little on the afro-ey side. I apologize...

Behold, the kingdom of Attic! (more of a bonus room, really... it has carpeting)
The Mission: Find and discover the fair goose maiden...

First I found a big tote with a bunch of my mom's old stuff in it (She was very happy I found this when she got home from work, except she told me not to read any of the letters from my dad because they're private... I didn't read them anyways (but I probly would have, had she not said not to... I'm assuming they have "grown up" things in them I really don't need/want to know about my parents anyways... ick. I don't want her reading my letters from Joe haha...) Anyways. She had a Japanese penpal named Midori when she was younger and had remembered her sending an ink set, but we could never find it. I found some likely looking packages:

a pretty fan

some perfume (her grandpa got her this- it still smells really nice:)

A brush

a cute ink set:)


a GIANT stick of ink!

And my face when I found the big ink stick! I can't wait to try that out- it dwarfs my puny little ink stick and the grinding stone is much prettier than mine:) I'm not a big fan of these kinds of brushes though... I think I just don't know how to use them well.

I also found these class photos of her friends... looks to me like she got one from everyone in her senior class...

and these old pictures

left to right: My mom's best friend Therese, who lives down the road now, my Uncle Craig (HA!), my Uncle George, my mom's senior pic
and the second row: my Aunt Mary (those glasses:( my Aunt Cathy, my grandpa, and a very old colorized picture of my grandma

I stole my grandpa's picture and put it next to his army pic I have in my room. That is a good spot for it I think.

Ick... the 70's

Dance cards from her prom

and lots of prayer cards (some of which I have confiscated...)

in another box I found a recorder, which I played (very badly) with for a bit

My collection of Georges... I intend on decorating my future child's room with all of my George paraphernalia one day... I have lots of it.

this one has a banana in his backpack

some of my other George stuff:

This is a flashlight:)

I also have a bunch of tins and two alarm clocks... and a GIANT George who used to sleep in my bed when I was at LTU. He lives in my closet now...

This dollhouse is like a little girl's dream. We LOVED that thing... I used to be able to fit through the front door

Had to try...

Not quite...

aaaaand Fail.

Then I made a small fort out of the doll house and my dad's boat cushions and hung out in there for a little while

perfect place to spy on people (if anyone else was home or in the attic...)

Went through more boxes and found these

Claire and I used to legit fight over these little things... Not sure why.

SUCCESS!!! (why yes, that is every Shirley Temple movie ever made in the background... and I know allllllll the songs!)

I have every book, except two:(

and now I need 4 C-sized batteries...
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