I was tagged forever ago, and I've got a little extra time on my hands this morning to what the hell. But as a confirmed contrarian, I ain't gonna tag nobody. I'm sorry if someone is just itching to be tagged for this meme so you can play -- I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.
1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself. (originally posted as odd facts)
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."
1) One of my favorite possessions is a real human skull -- given to me by
netzard, actually.
2) I enjoy defying other people's expectations of me, and I like having my own expectations defied -- I like to be surprised. (Obviously I prefer pleasant surprises, and no, that doesn't mean I'd like a surprise birthday party or anything. I mean, if you're going to throw me a "Surprise!" party, then defy my expectations of such a thing and make it a "Surprise! We're all flying to Amsterdam! Your bag's already packed, we leave for the airport in an hour -- here's your boarding pass!" party. Just sayin'.)
3) I took a
Taiko drumming class for a while once. I really loved it and I wish I could have stayed with it, but the class was in South San Francisco (it had been just blocks from my house in SF right up to a month or so before I started classes) and it was just too difficult to make it down there for classes and practice days without a car. Frustratingly, for almost 10 years straight I've consistently had some conflict or another with the Thursday night "novice" class, so I've never been able to start back up.
4) I ride my motorcycle aggressively and often illegally through the streets of San Francisco, but I always feel in control and am (usually) very careful not to increase the risk of injury or damage to myself or others. My attitude is that anyone who's bothered by my splitting lanes or zipping to the front of a line of cars is free step out of their comfortable, gas-guzzling, heated and air-conditioned, safety feature-laden steel cage and bite my shiny metal ass.
5) I cry at commercials, sappy movies, moving passages in books, etc. My heartstrings are just extremely easy to tug.
6) I've been eating beans for almost every meal for the last few weeks, and I'm not even close to being tired of eating beans. (It's a kind of low-carb diet thing, and I'm unbelievably lucky to have an amazing girlfriend who makes up a different, delicious pot of beans two or three times a week.)
7) I subscribe to Socrates' philosophy on the importance of an "examined life." I believe frequent self-reflection has benefitted me a lot in life. Among other things, it has helped me learn how to keep a relatively even emotional keel and generally positive outlook on life, and how to accept -- perhaps even avoid -- and move past whatever (thankfully few, so far) trials and tribulations life throws at me.