Title: Sleepless Nights[drabble]
doublebanana06Pairing: Bert/Gerard
Rating: PG-13
POV: Gerard's
Disclaimer: don't own, not mine, fiction,... get it?
Summary: Gerard has always had nights with no sleep but a sertain someone is making this night worse than usual.
mymillerlight for betaing.
I've always hated having nights where I can't sleep. But tonight seemed to be worse than most of them. The main reason being all I can think about is him. His long ratty once black now golden hair. His small frame and those sparkling blue eyes that can put anyone under his spell in the snap of a finger.
You'd think my first night off tour I'd be sleeping like a baby. But no, not tonight, all because of him. He just had to be a dick and call to leave a message saying how "Prison" will never be the same without his voice thrown in there. How the hell can he say that? It's MY song! This was crazy. So I decided to do the one thing that always seems to work in a situation like this. I sat up and reached for the stereo remote on the nightstand next to the bed and hit play, followed by the sleep timer. I rested my head on back on the pillow, closed my eyes, and tried to let the music ubosrbe me.
After thirty minutes of letting the sweet music quietly fill the room it stopped right in the middle of "Hand In Glove", the 9th song like always. I sat waiting for the reasuring click of the stereo to know the music was gone for the night, and of course I was still wide awake. I turn to look at the clock, 3:57am. This was the first time I had been up at this time sober and alone in a long while.
Finally I realized how stupid this really was. The only other thing I could think of was to call him. Hearing his voice is the only way it's ever going to get out of my head. You know like when you have a song stuck in your head that you can't seem to get out so you listen to it and after the song is over it seems to disapear.
Then I started to worry about what would happen if he happened to be home and pick up. What would I say? Oh Gerard, stop worring about it it's 3 something in the morning on a Saturday he's bound to be out getting wasted or fucking some new guy or girl. You have nothing to worry about.
When I finally stopped mentally arguing with my self and picked up the phone from the night stand and went through my list of contacts until I came to the name "Bert" and hit send.
It rang once and I thought of hanging up that very moment, but didn't. That was when I heard a groggy "Hello?" I knew right away it was Bert. A thought ran through my head as he said it. He's home, on a Saturday, sleeping?
But then his voice snapped me out of my thoughts, "Hello, what the fuck do you want I'm tring to sleep asshole."
Yeah that's definatly Bert, I thgouht to myself. And with that I simply replyed "I hate you." In a surprisingly calm voice and closed the phone. I layed back down and the last though to cross through my head was I wonder if he even knew who it was on the other end?
A/N: First Bert/Gerard story I've actually finished & first drabble ever. Feedback/Suggestions?