The most wonderful time of the year!

Nov 30, 2017 16:55

I am so ridiculously excited to be participating in my first gift fest - Hd-erised; go big or go home, right - and honestly feel like I’ve been waiting forever to Dec. 1. I can’t wait to see what everyone else has done.

And to say that I’m anxiously anticipating what my giftee has to say about their gift would be the understatement of the century... I admire this person SO MUCH for a variety of reasons, and had so much fun learning about them through their own writing... gah I am not even COHERENT. I worked on this fic for months and months, and it’s the longest thing I’ve ever written by like 40 billion words, and it was beta-ed so thoroughly and well, and it feels special to me.

Erised is also how I made my way into HD fandom three years ago, and how I found all my favorite writers, and my first friend or two in the community, and forhesldwoadkernelsfjdn yeah I’m basically just a giant ball of mush over here.

So! Because I am so excited about all things fic in December, and also because I’ve really had trouble finding good new stuff to read recently, and also also because I always mean to comment more than I actually do - I’m participating in Capitu’s comment fest. Yay! What a wonderful thing to organize. Hufflepuffs FTW.

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