Not supernatural

Jul 14, 2023 22:14

We just got a reminder of how socially awkward we tend to be, and it's a little sad, because it means we didn't get any of the fake awards that were being handed out to manga localizers, but on the bright side, it leads pretty well into something I've been thinking about for a while, which is vampires. But first I have to back up a little bit. And I have to apologize in advance, because this post could turn out to sound pretty woe-is-me, but I don't really mean it that way.

Throughout the course of our lives, we've had several experiences (maybe just a few, but they tend to stand out) that have led us to believe that, had we been alive during a time of witch trials, we probably would have been burned at the stake. Not for anything serious, we think, and enough people like us (we think...) that we might have just gone on trial and been found not guilty. I mean, everybody knows by now that the witch trials were less about actual witchcraft and more about petty or power-hungry people being like, "I don't like you; how can I get rid of you?" And we feel like we have been purged from a couple of friend groups. I don't know, maybe we're reading too much into things, or maybe we were the ones shunning them and just didn't have the self-awareness. That's not the point. Maybe it's the point. We've had a hard time fitting in. That's the point.

So that brings us to all the books and movies where there's the weird loner woman who lives on the outskirts of town or deep in the woods, and everyone just assumes she's a witch, because duh. Why would she live on the outskirts of town being all weird and lonerish if she weren't a witch?

But recently Athena made an observation about our particular brand of timidity--it's something like vampires. Like how they can't go inside a building unless they've been invited, we're extremely uncomfortable just going in places without knowing it's okay. This is why the first time we went to Japan, we spent most of the time hiding in our hotel room. The second time we went to Japan, we had a friend with no such inhibitions, so we were able to go out and do stuff as her guests, so to speak. (But we did hide in our hotel room while she went to her Uta-Pri concert.)

We thought about it some more, and we realized we're more nocturnal than diurnal, we have terrible circulation, we don't like most foods that normal people like, it's not unlikely that we have iron deficiencies... If we were in a society that ascribed weird traits to people actually being demons, we might be more likely to be accused of being vampires. We even have fangs! (Seriously, our canines are sharp enough that we one time had someone at Anime Expo ask where we got our fangs. At the time, we didn't realize people would actually get dental implants that look like fangs, so we were like, "Uh...they're natural...? Why...?")

We're descended from some royalty somewhere down the line, too... Like we're aristocrats that have fallen from grace, which totally seems like a vampire thing. That's where Athena got the idea that social outcasts who are in a low social class are labeled as witches, and social outcasts who are in a high social class are labeled as vampires. That's why you need special hunters to go after vampires. Aristocrats have better security.

...And those are our weirdo thoughts on vampires that we've been having lately.

Today I'm thankful for finishing our work quota again, getting to play in the ice cream Splatfest, getting to watch The Kwamis' Choice again, new to us Miraculous in less than a week, and getting to sleep in tomorrow.

social anxiety, thinking

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