Pokemon Sleep

Jul 13, 2023 21:35

Work has been going well in that we have been meeting all of our quotas. Hopefully the quotas have been high enough that we're not going to end up super crunched later. Normally I'd think we're probably okay, but we have In/Spectre coming up very soon, and we're determined to take at least Wednesday morning off to watch the new Miraculous episodes when they hit Disney+.

But now I want to talk about Pokemon Sleep! Oh my goodness, you guys. I feel like they designed this game just for us. In case you haven't heard about it, it's a mobile app, where you keep your phone near your pillow while you sleep, and it tracks your sleep, and when you wake up, Pokemon will have gathered. ...I admit the idea of keeping my phone by my pillow sounds a little dangerous, but you guys! It's basically like collecting Pokemon in your sleep. If I'm understanding the promotional material correctly, you get more Pokemons based on how much sleep you're getting.

I'm pretty sure I don't need to point out that we are already big fans of sleep...at least, we like to sleep in the morning, after we've already been asleep for a while. It's going to sleep that we've always had trouble with. At night, when it's time to go to sleep, we always end up staying up talking, or sometimes just lying there, because we just don't want to go to sleep yet. First of all, sleep is great, but you miss most of it, because you're basically unconscious. Second of all, when we're done sleeping, we have to wake up and go to work. And we are very passionate about our work, but we're still burned out, so we just don't want to do it.

In other words, the idea of actually going to sleep amounts to erasing the next several hours and going straight to something unpleasant. (I mean, there's the morning routine first, but still.) And so our motivation to sleep is not very high. But soon, there will be Pokemon Sleep, which will reward us with cute pictures of Pokemons, and that means! we'll have something exciting to look forward to before the unpleasantness of work. And it will be even better the more sleep we get, because then we'll get even more Pokemons.

...It has occurred to us that we could get a head start and pretend we're motivated to get more sleep even before the game finally comes out, but the rewards don't come until the app is available, so we're probably going to keep staying up too late until then. But man, leave it to Nintendo to look out for the health of gamers. Thanks, Nintendo!

Today I'm thankful for meeting our work quota, having time to familiarize ourselves with a couple of projects, Nintendo coming up with more ways to encourage healthy habits, also having time to play some video games, and having Pokemon Sleep to look forward to.

pokemon sleep

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