May 06, 2023 21:39
Not a lot to report today. We got to do tri-color battles in the Splatfest today, and oh my goodness, it was so cool-looking, you guys. The battle stage (is that what they call them? we played Splatoon 2 in English and I still don't remember) was designed to look like a Triforce! And then you had all the colors all splatted all over it... Oh man, it was great.
We also did the Mayday tour in Animal Crossing. We'd been putting it off because we had so many other things we had to do and wanted to do this week, and besides we've already done it twice. But we decided to do it anyway, and of course we didn't remember it after a whole year, so it was fun getting to figure it out again.
And that's pretty much it. We're still watching Intertwined. ...I actually call it Entrelazados in my head, because that's what the logo says, so I had to pause before typing the English title. I feel like a snob, not referring to anything in English, forgetting the English words for stuff, not bothering to learn the English words for other stuff. I don't know what to do about it. I like all the languages...except English, apparently. But I do like English! Athena and I have done some pretty cool stuff with the English language...but we also tend to go to, like, Greek and stuff to make up anime words, like chronophage. But there's a precedent in English for using Greek to make up words, so we're honoring that heritage...of eschewing the vulgar, common language... Yeah, I guess we're snobs. Anyway, we're enjoying the TV show.
Today I'm thankful for getting to play in the Triforce tri-color battles, getting to do the Mayday maze in Animal Crossing, getting to watch more Entrelazados, finally having sent our tax info to our accountant, and having some new snack cakes to try.
animal crossing,
language geekiness