It might take a miracle

Aug 16, 2022 21:28

The big news for us today is that the Zag-Store is now taking preorders for their replica of the Miracle Box from Miraculous, and oh my goodness, we have been wanting one of those for like our whole lives. They even designed it with the mechanism from the show to make all the drawers open at the same time! And it's so shiny! And it's only six hundred dollars! ...And that's why we didn't preorder it on the spot. It's times like these I wish manga translation was a more lucrative business. We haven't given up yet! But we have to reevaluate our finances.

Speaking of manga translation, though, we started the latest volume of Noragami today! Tadah! Noragami always comes with mixed feelings, because it's our very favorite manga series, but A)it tends to be very challenging, and B)new volumes tend to come at times when we're already very busy. So on the one hand, it's like, "Yay! More Noragami!" and on the other hand, it's like, "Do we possibly have the time and energy to do it justice?" Of course we will make the time, but since we don't know how hard it will be until we start the second draft (first draft is just throwing down rough English equivalents to all the Japanese words), there's no telling how much energy we'll have left by the end of it, and! we have two volumes of manga to translate in one week after we've finished Noragami.

So when we were working from the eBook and Athena noticed the page count, there may have been a minor heart attack. It was like 250 pages. I mean, on the one hand, more manga! but on the other...

Fortunately, it turned out that the last 50-ish pages were a sample chapter from another series, which means we don't have to worry about them. But on the other hand, we were a little excited to get more Noragami. So it was a bittersweet discovery.

Anyway, we finished our first draft today, and tomorrow we're taking a break to work on Edens Zero and the other manga we have due by the end of this week. Busy, busy, busy... (Maybe all this work will make it so we can afford to buy a Miracle Box...?)

Today I'm thankful for the hope of one day owning our very own Miracle Box, getting to work on Noragami today, all the bonus gag manga at the end of Noragami volumes, not having to worry about editing 50 extra pages of a very challenging manga, and the knowledge that if we need more Noragami we can reread what we already have (because, let's face it, it's been long enough since we last read it that a lot of it will feel fresh and new).

noragami, miraculous

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