Aug 15, 2022 21:13
Sorry for disappearing over the case there's anybody out there wanting an apology. You may have noticed I don't usually post on Sundays, and that's mostly because sometimes it takes effort to post, and Sundays are when I'm like, "Eh, no need to push it." Saturday was a bit of an anomaly. The main thing taking up space in my brain, and it's still probably the most interesting thing going on which is why I even bring it up (today was just back to work as usual), was that we recorded a video and posted it to YouTube. And I didn't want to post about it on Saturday, because I didn't really want to post a link to it, and I didn't think it would be fair to go on and on about it without posting a link...and I still don't really want to post the link, so now I'm just being mean. Sorry.
But about this video. A while back I came up with an arrangement of "I Stand All Amazed," designed to be played on piano and pennywhistle, because those are the instruments that we have (ocarina was also an option, but with the key register for that song, B-flat whistle was the easiest choice...we also have a fife, but neither of us knows how to actually make sound with a fife). But the composing app I use to make the arrangements doesn't have pennywhistle as an option (weird, I know), so it may be that when I was writing it, I ended up going for more of a flute sound. Flutes and pennywhistles actually do not sound that similar, but I think that's probably okay, since I'm just an amateur. But after doing this piece, I'm realizing that if I want to compose things for the pennywhistle, it would probably be a good idea to listen to more pennywhistle music so I know what really sounds best...and I'm really hoping that what I came up with does not sound like an abomination.
...Anyway, that's a whole lot of rambling which may or may not give you a taste of the kinds of insecurities that were going through my head on Saturday night. I mean, we did several takes before we ended up with one that we were like, "Yes! It's good!" but even then, as it was uploading to YouTube, I was like, "Is this really a good idea? I don't knoooowww!!!"
But we went through with it anyway, and now we're just letting time heal all wounds.
Today I'm thankful for getting a good amount of work done (hopefully enough work; we won't know until later this week), having time to design a vacation home for another one of our Animal Crossing neighbors who's moving away, also having time to watch our movie show, getting to play some Twisted Wonderland, and Snickers ice cream bars.