YAY #1:
FLASH FORWARD IS DOOMED!! (Yes, I'm petty and mean and I want it to DIE.)
RIGGED HULU VOTE IS RIGGED. PS: Burn in TV hell, Ken Tucker (that of course being the hell where stupid pompous TV critics who rig online polls go, where they are forced to spend the rest of eternity watching nothing but reality shows, soap operas and infomercials. Which they probably enjoy, because they are STUPID).
Mini-yay: New project time! In Plain Sight, been told I might like it but I never got around to taking a look, and then I forgot about it. Thoughts after 6 episodes: The lead starts out as more bitchy than badass, but I think she's starting to grow on me. The VOs are stupid and feels unnecessary and oh, so tired. The family is annoying and grating and a thousand other synonyms that still aren't enough to describe how annoying they are. The cases are pretty dull, the boss is kinda creepy but the partner is snaaarky so I guess it balances out. Over all, it's watchable, jury's still out on whether it might be any better than that.
I guess the yays win! Not bad for a day that otherwise has been entirely craptastic (woke up on the wrong side of the bed).