Hashtag: HELP ME

Jun 02, 2012 02:42

OMG, this Twitter thing is getting out of hand. The freaking BED has an account now, and I'm pretty sure I can hear the sound of someone creating one for the chaise this very moment. Is it incredibly lame/weird/wrong of me to be a little bit miffed at this? Like, it's not even my idea, I know that, and someone else probably would have done it if I didn't, but I did it first. I was the original tweeting furniture, planning to at most throw out maybe one tweet a week lamenting my absence or commenting on something from the episode, and then let it slide off into internet oblivion. And then Henry came along which was cool because he was funnier than me and I had fun bantering with him, but I did not intend for there to be an entire army of Andy's furniture (Oh, and Sam's utility belt, sorry - mustn't forget Benny!) spamming people's feeds on Twitter. And by "people", I mostly mean me, because the reason I don't use my own Twitter is because I always end up following a hundred people and spending all my time keeping up with my feed and then I die of stress.

Yeah, I know I'm fussing needlessly about that which I do not even have the right to fuss, I just ... I hate stupid addictive Twitter, it is a black hole of time worse than YouTube and TVTropes combined. Actually no, it's worse still, because atleast with those two sooner or later you have to tear yourself away from the computer to eat or save your neck muscles and then you're out scot-free until someone links you something, but Twitter? Twitter keeps pulling you back in, constantly, with it's e-mail notifications and handy phone access and bite-sized tweets that only take a couple of seconds to read... I hate Twitter. Twitter is evil.

Anyway. Probably I'm just peeved someone found a way to take a joke further than me, because *I* am the queen of beating jokes until they're cold and lifeless around here. I mean, that's been my thing since gradeschool! That and the crazy, those are my things. Atleast I still has my crazy. Yaaaay. Hmm.

Ugh, tired. RB is taking over my brain again, although this time I think it's more the fandom than the actual show, not that that's any better. Probably worse, actually... It'll be fine though, I have things to distract myself with. Tomorrow. Once I've rebooted my brain. Just needed to vent a bit, and this place is nothing if not my dumping ground for radioactive rambling nonsense. I should probably put up hazardous material warning signs. Atleast a "may contain nuts" disclaimer... Haa. Geddit? Nuts. Yeah, I should have gone to bed a while ago. Going now, I'm going, I'm going...

tv: rookie blue (is dead to me), misc: internet stuffs

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