(no subject)

Mar 17, 2012 20:59

You know how every so often you come across a song and instantly know, without the shadow of a doubt, that it will be used in a TV show - probably on the CW? Well right now, for me, it's "Demons" by Imagine Dragons on this month's Indie Rock Playlist. May have already been used somewhere when I wasn't paying attention, but I'll certainly notice it in the future cause I cannot stop listening to it despite it being the worst kind of emotional power-pop a la Snow Patrol. Like, I can literally SEE before me the angsty Blair and Chuck scenes, or Elena and Damon, that it will be played during. And now whenever it DOES pop up in a TV show, I know I'm just gonna burst out laughing no matter how gripping or serious the scene (although I mean, if it's on the CW then odds are I would have anyway). Maybe I'll luck out and it'll be used in TSC which is just officially the stupidest thing on TV at this point, or some show I don't even watch? Fingers crossed.

In other music news, Alex Winston continues to be the most flawless thing to graze my eardrums, and WHYYYY can't I find her whole album anywhere?! *Cries* It's getting to the point where I'm even considering buying it! Which means I would have to figure out HOW to buy music online, because I do not want no CDs cluttering up my life again, TYVM. But yeah, I'm that desperate. Also, I may or may not be craving a fanvid for TWD set to the newest song of hers I've gotten my hands on, "Guts", because ... yeah. Besides, lets face it, any non-shippy fanvid of that show is bound to be tons better than the show itself, so I should probably go Youtube-diving for some.

Went to see my grandparents today, at long last. Been putting it off for aaaages because I'm in winter hibernation and mom hates driving, but it was good to get it done, I've missed them. Was weird not going to their old house for the first time, but their new place is great and their cat (who was briefly my cat) seems very happy.

I'd mention some TV, but I feel like a blanket "shrug" pretty much covers it all? Besides, I have an idea for a transmog outfit and I'm itching to get started on collecting gear for it! *Dashes*

i: do not like real life, i: love my grandparents, music: misc

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