(no subject)

Mar 13, 2012 02:07

Ugh, I am the worst at updating. And commenting. I do still read everyone's posts, it's just that when it comes to commenting I get overcome with some sort of crippling apathy and then I ... don't. Which is the story of my life, basically.

Things aren't all that great on other fronts either. In RL I'm having trouble sleeping again (after a glorious 2-3 days of feeling a little more alert and being able to get to sleep with 2 pills instead of 3), and things in WoW are ... iffy. IDK.

So as usual, lets ignore all that and talk about TV instead!

Ugh this show. Consistently breaking my heart every week in new and interesting ways. <3 Fiona is the best of all the things ever. Mona is a fascinating natural phenomenon, how she just swoops in and manipulates everyone into liking her again, like it's a contest and once she's won everybody over she can leave? It's both impressive and terrifying to see how easily she turns people around.
The Jody/Shiela storyline was so dull though. I mean, good for them and all, but the actual storyline was sooooo boooooooring.

The Walking Dead:
Obviously this is the one I really wanted to talk about, because OMGWTFBBQ! THEY KILLED SHANE! And I mean, I knew they would (who didn't, at this point? XD), and I also had gotten some hints as to how he might die, but what I didn't know is that it would be an actually engaging hour of television that, despite me caring fuckall for the 99% of the characters on this show who isn't Darryl, actually had me squirming with nerves and biting my nails (figuratively speaking, because: gross) and bouncing up and down in my seat. That was a really good episode for this show, is what I'm saying!

Naturally it wouldn't be this show if the survivors didn't act like morons most of the time, like stomping around the forest in the dark looking for a kid with a gun instead of holding up in the farmhouse with guards stationed (like they would have had to anyway because of walkers). A million facepalms to that one, and to them trusting Shane in anything he said. But atleast there was that one scene where I didn't completely hate Lori, which is a small miracle all on its own, and Darryl once again proved why he's the only one left with actual brains for the zombies to eat.

And now I'm going to talk about semi-spoilery things, so here's your chance to run away if that's not your thing. They hinted at it pretty heavily in this episode, and appeantly it's a thing in the comics (I think), so it might not be much of a spoiler, but it changed the way I viewed the show (for the better, but who knows if waiting for it would have been even better), so I'm putting a warning on it. And there it is.

So, they all but came out and said here that people turn into zombies when they die, no matter HOW they die (unless it's a headshot), which ties into something I read somewhere about how that in the comic books the survivors are all already infected with the virus and so they are all literally "the walking dead". Which gave me all sorts of goosebumps when I read it, still does when I think about it, because it makes so much sense and seems so obvious that you start to wonder why not all zombie-related fiction has done this?

It just made the show 10 times cooler for me, that one little twist that changes absolutely everything and, at the same time, nothing at all. It would have been even more awesome if it was on a show where you could debate things like the value of life and hope and the constant threat of death, but obviously that's not possible here because first you have to discuss sexism and philosophy of screenwriting and the general state of human intelligence. What you CAN discuss, however, is whether or not this virus is responsible for the crappy decision-making of the survivors or if they were that stupid before the epidemic. But the virus does affect the brain, so maybe that's why everyone is acting like neanderthals - it's the first stage of the disease? And clearly this means that Darryl is the only one immune, since he's the only one capable of making good decisions! This explains SO MUCH!

Super-excited for next week and the coming horde of zombies. I hope the show hasn't filled its killing-main-cast quota yet, because appearantly that's the only time this show is truly compelling. It's such a strange show, it does some things SO WELL, it has so much potential and built-in awesomeness, and then everything else is just insanely, inexplicably stupid.
Anyway, someone talk to me about it? Pleeeease?

tv: the walking dead, tv: shameless (us)

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