This is a cheerful bday post.

Mar 06, 2012 01:09

Yeah, so, it's my birthday. Well, technically it WAS my birthday as it's past midnight, but since I wake up at noon I maintain the right to be emo about it a little longer. Haven't been really into birthdays for a long time now, but this year I'm starting to realize they actually depress the fuck out of me. They're like the day-equivalence of mirrors, basically, along with New Year's.

So, what does one do on one's birthday when one is morbid and depressed? Death Clock tests, of course! Weirdly these actually cheered me up a bit, which probably says something about my personality that is best left un-pondered upon.

The first one has me dying on Monday, February 25 2041, which is still better than I would have expected given my obesity. But I'm gonna go with this one, not just because it has me living another 17 years (would have been 20 if I had an optimistic personality!) but because hey, shiny graphics!

Aww, lookit the wittle Reaper. Plus, dying in July sounds way more pleasant than dying in February - all the shows will be on hiatus anyway, instead of in the middle of Sweeps.
Also did a Real Age test (that was way too long), and amazingly it only put me at 33.9 years old! Mom did one and got told she was in her 20s, which I could totally believe since she exercises and eats right, and considering how old I *feel* I was expecting 80-something. So, boohyah, basically.

Aaaanyway, it's been a dull day with a side of "bleh" so basically the usual birthday fun, if possibly a bit more sucky. Getting frustrated a lot lately, with WoW and the guild especially, but I'm trying (really trying!) to wait and see if it's just a combination of PMS and a general slump. TV is also not in a great place atm, all shows seem to mostly annoy or bore me. Which really sucks, because more than anything right now I want to get lost in some fiction and talk all about fan stuff and not at all about all this depressing boring emo crap.

One bit of TV goodness though: This? Is why The Simpsons is still on the air. <3

i: am weird, i: am fat, i: do not like real life, misc: personal stuff, misc: fuck my life

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