(no subject)

Aug 12, 2011 21:14

OH MY GOD SHOW, YOU ARE KILLING ME. The lack of chatter about this episode on my flist had me a bit worried it was going to be a filler-episode, Sam/Andy-wise, and boy was it NOT! In fact, halfway through the episode I paused to check how much was left thinking it had to be almost over soon, because I had already gotten more than I was hoping for. And then I saw I still had half to go and was equal parts "YAAAAY!" and "OMG how is my heart going to survive this?!", because we are now officially at the point where my heart turns into the symbol-shaped kinda and threatens to pop out of my chest whenever shippyness abounds. Which, as we have established, was A LOT in this episode.

First! Andy being grouchy and Sam being completely amused by it, because he obviously adores everything she does even when she's snapping at random strangers for being in love. And then, with the handcreme and the counselling and the oh-so-subtle "you need to move on" (unspoken end of sentence: "... TO ME") and Andy actually being cute which, I don't ship this cause I dig her but no complaints if she suddenly becomes awesome.
And then, the poker! Sam ditching it to hang out with Andy, when clearly he's usually the first one to break out the deck on these occassions. And HIS FACE when she reveals she can play poker could totally beat him at strip-poker (SOMEONE FIC THIS, STAT!), and really just HIS FACE WRT: everything. Sam's face should just get a seperate paycheck for it's significant contribution to this show, it really should! Half the time it's almost literally shooting cartoon hearts in the direction of Andy (pretty sure you can see them with 3D-glasses), which has GOT to count as a special skill!

And THEN! She asks him to go to breakfast, he declines - because obviously he has to run home and write in his feelings-journal and doodle Mr Andy McNally and draw hearts around it - and then my brains explode because he actually says "I can't, but I have something you need to do, right now. Come here." WHILE UNBUTTONING HIS SHIRT. *Thud* SEE? This show is actively trying to kill me! The worst part is that I'm not even upset that that scene wasn't followed up with a continuation of crazy-hot blackout-makeout, because instead it was PERFECTNESS! (Mostly, anyway, I would have preferred some more sexytimes, but whatever, she's still getting over the breakup. And he's helping her. Because he wants her to MOVE ON. TO HIS FACE. HIS AWESOME AWESOME FACE.)

Okay, I think I'm done. For now. Other stuff that I dug:
* Cop family cuteness/joking around. "When's the pizza getting here" and "Braveheart" and all the poker stuff especially. <3
* Chris in full-on adorable puppy-mode, which always makes me think of that time where he carried around an actual puppy and I had to spend the whole episode trying to decide which was cuter. (In the end I think we can safely say we ALL won.) Also Chris shirtless. This show has the BEST fanservice.
* Chris and Gail being cute, reminding me why I occassionally ship them a bit.
* Frank and Noelle being brought up, although I wanted a positive resolution at the end there.
* Scruffy, depressed Luke, as long as he stays away from Andy atleast long enough that she and Sam can do it a couple of times.
* Oliver, anytime he opens his mouth and words come out. And sometimes when he just stares in disbelief at Andy because he realizes A) how awesome she is and B) how awesomely perfect she and Sam would be.

Did not dig: 
* The CotW-crap with the smurf-couple (other than the comic relief it provided) and the EMT-couple. While I do need some breaks from all the epic shippy-stuff, I'd prefer it if it was with regular characters atleast. Maybe do a side-story where Oliver goes to a Taylor Swift-concert - I'd watch that! Oliver needs more screentime, period.
* Dov and his date = mostly whatever, although she is cute and badass. Hey, maybe when Dov bases up to his feelings for Gail she and Luke can hook up?

Gonna go wind down with a FNL marathon now, and try not to rewatch this episode right away again (yes, I already rewatched parts once. I pushed play the second the episode ended. I love how crazy this show is making me. :D). Gonna be another long-ass week!

tv: rookie blue (is dead to me)

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