miss radioactive.

Mar 26, 2008 19:04

so i went in for my iodine radiation treatment today.
a friend took me.
we get there.
it is the lab guy that i didn’t have such a great time with last time.
not horrible.. just very woody allen meets mr. bean sort of guy.
anyways. he is not MY dr. just the nuclear medicine dr. in the hospital

i get in there.
the first thing he says is:
“well just so you know this IS going to make you hypo and you will definitely be on pills for life”
and i was just like uhhhh..”my dr. told me a little differently. either way. i am aware that hypo is the risk.. as it is with every other treatment”
which is true. my dr. thinks that because of my levels and the pull from the nodule that i will probably not go hypo. but that i might. but we discussed the alternatives and still decided on this. sooo. i just feel like it’s not his place to presssure me about the decisions my dr. and i have made.
[when we first talked he pushed to have surgery over this iodine thing.. which. to my understanding DEFINITELY makes you hypo]
i dunno it all confuses me.
he just got really rude with me.. then continued to do the thing.
i got it as a liquid.
which. was because i have a problem swallowing pills. [read back some of my entries. it explains it]

he gives me the stuff. i down it.
yay all good.
then he starts going into how i need to be isolated for a few days and that i shouldn’t go to work. That i needed to wait 4 hours to eat [even tho a sheet he gave me said 45 min???] also, that i will need to not let my dog sleep with me, that i will need to change/wash/santize my sheets after this, also that i needed to have an isolated bathroom, separate toothbrush, etc etc etc.
all stuff that i NOW know is pretty, i guess?, standard.
at all.
so i had to call my work.
thankgod that he is a legit guy.
and helped me out.
cus i work nights. a shift that is damn near impossible to fill when i’m not there.
but he and i both looked at info online and decided it was for the best.
he even gave them to me as paid sick days.

but man
if my work hadn’t been cool.
i was gonna be super super super super angry with my drs.
it just seems to me that being isolated and all that stuff would be kind of important to mention AHEAD of time.
especially knowing that i work.
it just really irks me that these people aren’t checking each others work.. aren’t making sure i get the info i need.
it just makes these times way more stressful then they need to be.

OH! and get this.
when i tell him that i’m not sure that i CAN get work off, since i was just that moment being informed.. and i already had swallowed the dang thing.
he has the audacity to tell me that i’m “just being difficult” and ranted about my pill swallowing problem. and then tells me that the reason he said i cant eat for 4 hours is because “i must have a very sensitive stomach if i get sick a lot”.. which. no. i don’t at ALL. stomach of nails.
i just can’t swallow pills
and i hate that they make me feel like, and now even TOLD me, i’m a hassle and difficult.
cus really. i try not to be.
but once he gave me that attitude i got a little rude with him.
i wont lie.
i just felt he deserved it
my friend was laughing.
but yeah.
luckily she was great enough to go to the store and get some groceries. since i just got back from a trip to az.. i had NOTHING in this house and was completely unprepared to be isolated or anything like that. granted maybe i should have looked it up online. but i had been told by MY DR that i would be able to go to work.. no side effects.. etc etc etc when i talked to her in the office.

i just wanted to mention that my nodule has swollen in size since i took that stuff at 1:30 [approx 6 hours ago]
is this normal?
i really dont want to call that lab dr. unless i HAVE to. like. life or death.
cus he just stresses me out.
so far i would say its gained about 1/4 of its size.
just. for the record.


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