evil cats

Jan 06, 2006 22:34

so are cats really evil?? do they really know to much .. idk . i'm probaly not nearly going to say everything that i want or how much is in my head or even the shit going on lately but i figure i would just start typing and see what happens . writing used to make me feel better realive stress or something like that , . i'm sitting here waiting for ashley .. shes been really vool and nice lately i'm glad we can talk now ;) . its cool the whole communacation thing has finally worked out with us. just takes some people longer than others . its hard to always understand one-another feelings all the time. my sister called me today talked for a minute before her stupid sprint service went out .hope to talk to you agian soon sis. yeha what a night i had i hav'nt trown up in a long time . it was weird just the whole thing and what a night can bring and show u . i know things . some things i wish i didnt . this whole week has been crazy. i hope someone takes my shifts at work so i can make more money out in orlando. probably a good thing to get away for a couple days anyway .i was really scared last night i wish that fucking asshole stocker what get a fucking life or just drop off the face off the earth like how syco and lame aere you get over it get over me you fuck your self i mean why is it poeple dont know what they have till they loose it then they want everythign to be ok and have everything they want ,, no u cant treat me liek an asshole for that long and walk all the fuck over me and then whene you relize i'm the best thing thats happened to u it s to late and your mad at me .. no check point be mad at yourself and fix it . i have regets just liek the next guy , so to say and i try to learn from my mistaks ..

sorry didnt mena to go off it happens. i cant wait ot shower . but like others i know a shower can be a lonnnnnggggg time . i'm goign somewhere gross right now anyway so i'll shower after. and look and feel better.
i said to much last night ad heard to much but it doesnt really matter. i'm glad at least i had some friends there for me and ashsley took me out so i was safe and shit and not driving was fun not to have to babysit anyone but myslef and just wahtever . i was goign to go out tonight dancing cause i've been wanting to , with steph .. but as i knwo well i knwo what happened . so whatever she choice to break um and do something else . so who knows whats up for tonight .mayeb st pete maybe dancing mayeb even movie or jsut go over michelles . i have to work tomorrow . so fun! . lol .
drifting apart . chapter 14 - how far will it drift .
i dno teven how the time or effort to wrtoe about this part of my chapter cause its already ran through my head all day .
love , if true will show its true faces.

i hope i find a new job soon . i'm so glad i'm done with school thats amazing fuck yeah go dottie you put your mind to somethign and u fucking did it . i wish i had a computer that i need i'd be all over contuine learning =an making videos all the time that really the only ting i want if someone asked me .. sometimes i wonder if i make the right decsions and sometimes i wonder if thier is a such thing as the right descion anymore .. i mean i dont have a place to call home anymore , i'm living day to day .. for real though trying to make the best of things .. i owe so much , my resourses run low . i'm trying to stay happy and find reasons still in life to be happy about .. make goals and stick with um .. i have'nt had sex in like 2 weeks feels liek months .. want her to want me again .. have affection can literly keep someone alive . shit i want to want her agian . it was gone for awhile and u came over and you kissed me like you ment it and i felt t and we both said i miss that . so its still there .. can we fix this princess?? ..

well its time to go and find somethin else to waear just cause i'm kinda homeless doesnt mean i have to look liek it .

one day ..i'll get what i deserve or i can at least hope .
blah . to another shady lost night and full of wondering thoughts playing dumb and knowing to much and drinking toast to myself and smile a couple times and mayeb speak or see my love one or maybe just ones that love me for who i am . amen
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