On the Cookieth Day Of Christmas

Dec 23, 2008 21:28

Cooked up a batch of Sugar Cookies Sunday night, with the intention of frosting them Monday night and taking some to work today.

Bought the ingredients on Saturday, the day (and night) that I cooked up a batch of beans. A friend asked me why I made 15 cups-worth of barbecue baked beans; my answer was that 25 cups would simply have been too much work.

Armed with 58 bite-size cookies I was ready to get messy. I had only two designs in mind, and wanted to make EXTREME Sugar Cookies, but frosting was my limiting factor.

The plaid came out just OK, and the spiral was a disappointment, but these are for the folks at work so I'm not sweatin' it.

I only made 2 dozen (and munched a bit as I worked - quality control, right?) but I think that's a good number to take to work as I get the impression it'll be quite dead tomorrow....

One of my roommates, Dave, is moving out at the end of the month, has been slowly moving stuff for a few weeks now, and told me at least twice that he's taking the electricity with him on Monday the 22nd. Told me and told me. Yesterday afternoon I got a text from Rob, my remaining roommate, that there was no electricity at the house and that he was going for a bike ride. Activate: panic mode!

I jumped on to the SoCalEd website and scurried to get service turned back on. The earliest date I could select was Friday the 26th - whoops. I called the main number and charmed my way into service beginning today. Now this is important for reasons other than the obvious. My landlord was planning to come by tonight to see the room Dave was vacating and to meet me, the new residentsomethingorother - the guy who sends her the rent and calls her when a bathtub falls through the floor and ends up in the kitchen. To have dropped the ball so badly that her new guy can't even keep the power on does not make a good first impression. Just as bad, the new roommate, Dan, was planning to come by last night to drop off his application and see the room one more time. Again, not setting the bar quite high enough....

I got home last night and ordered a pizza for dinner. I wasn't sure how mad Rob would be when he got home to a still-darkened home so I changed my pizza order to 4. That boy can eat. Dan came by and laughed almost as much as much about the situation, and left the beginnings of a deposit, so I guess I didn't scare him off.

Dave kept sending me random text messages today giving me the impression that the power was still off:

Hey dude dId u ever get the vac[uum cleaner] 2 work?

Is it set 2 go on 2day?

Very distressing. He finally fessed up after repeated attempts to learn the status of the juice:"Not there just wanted 2 make sure we dont all meet there wit no lights Grrr. Thanks, dude. But Rob cleared it up for me: Its still off Well, crap.

I called Edison again and confirmed that it was supposed to be on by 5pm, only 45 minutes away, and hoped for the best. When I got home at 5:45...nothing. I called and the lady on the phone walked me to the main breaker and viola. I frosted in a well-lit room and sat down to write about it. Sheesh.
We may not get a white Christmas here in SoCal, but I will not take for granted that I'll have a 60W Christmas and carolers singing the sounds of the NFL.

Merry Christmas, Happy (rest of) Chanukah, and a Great, Reflective Kwanzaa to us, everyone.

pizza, christmas, roommate

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