Apr 10, 2010 22:18
So far, the new AFI film has been going very well. The first day was really shaky and I feared that I'd fucked-up, but it turned out okay and the past few days have been good.
It doesn't hurt that we have a really good 1st AD, and the make-up artist is the most awesome guy ever. He's this large German man with an accent worthy of Henry Killinger. He's very much this nerdy guy who specializes in make-up effects like the sort of stuff you'd see in Fangora. (and to back up his nerd claim, he's self confessed to have done a three-day landparty in the Netherlands). We've been carpooling, and I will say, nothing will make an actor get undressed so we can go the fuck home faster then a German man saying "Give me your fahking pants so zat we can go home!".
By far, the best incidents have been the lunch lady mishaps. Our director is from Brooklyn. So he runs his mouth off a bit. We meanwhile have an AWFUL catering lady. She's not only extremely mean spirited and bitter, but her food isn't even that good. (case in point. RAW chicken.) The German also told me that him and his wife googled her name to find multiple reports from other students about how she's ripped them off while catering for their thesis films.
Last night the director emails everyone saying "Good job today guys! I'll see you tomorrow and hopefully the lunch lady will be a bit nicer"
...As one might expect, the lunch lady was on the "everyone" list.
Now, usually this lady shows up for breakfast, hangs around, cleans up and leaves, comes back with lunch, hangs around and leaves again.
This morning, she literally SLAMS down a few breakfast items and drives off into the sunrise. (okay, I don't know if she SLAMMED it down, but the vision is pretty hysterical to mention)
She also wrote our director back an email saying how offended she was, and how she was up at 3 in the morning and she'd never worked with more unprofessional and ungrateful people in her entire life.
The director wrote back and people out that the rest of the crew got little sleep and early hours as well, but at least they were enthusiastic and positive with one and other.
Me and The German told him about the complaints she'd gotten online, and he said that if she said anything else to him, he'd print out her complaints and show them to her. (apparently she has a few small claim cases from various students she's ripped off)
Needless to say, no one wanted to eat lunch today, and when the DP took a break in the middle of filming for what the rest of the crew claimed was a "Shart", there was many cries of "IT HAS BEGUN!" (no wait. That was just me.)
I'm gonna write a treatment for "REVENGE OF THE CATERER FROM HELL" and see if anyone at AFI wants to use it for their thesis.
fuck you lacc theater academy