I took a community college class on this. I know what I'm talking about.

Nov 30, 2009 17:27

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Clash of the Titan's trailer.

Awesome casting.
Giant Scorpions.

Trailer is if 300 and God of War had a baby with Jacob's Syndrome.
"TITANS... WILL...CLASH!" is the worst tag-line sense "THE STARS WILL BE ....AT...WAR!"

I ponder. The original was revolutionary for it's time, but by the time I watched it when I was 12, it felt really dated. And while bad actors fighting claymation might be sub-par, how much better will decent actors fighting CGI be?

Also, stolen from wikipedia. Here's the summary of the movie.

Perseus sets off on a perilous journey deep into forbidden worlds. Battling unholy demons and fearsome beasts, he will only survive if he can accept his power as a god, defy his fate and create his own destiny

Which is really hysterical because if you've read your classical mythology, you'd realize that the entire story of Perseus is about how man can't escape one's own fate.

In a nut-shell, the Perseus legend goes like this.

King gets prophecy that tells him that his daughter will have a son that will kill him.
He locks her up
Zeus visits daughter and knocks her up with HALF GOD BABY
King puts daughter and grandson in a basket at sea.
Daughter and baby survive.
Baby grows up to be Perseus.
Perseus goes on HEROES QUEST. Kills Medusa. Saves Andromeda.
Perseus goes back to his homeland and meets his Grandpa who apologizes for trying to kill him and welcomes him as his Grandson.
Perseus competes in the Olympics. Throws a discus that goes out of control and hits Grandpa in the head killing him.

This is one of those movies where I say "I might see it" and change my mind once all the reviews peg it as awful.

I keep having this discussions with people who say "oh pa shaw! It's a pop corn movie! Just turn off your mind to enjoy it!"

This makes little sense. As I have brought buckets of popcorn into Cohen Brother films.

But it's a fallacy to accuse someone of having no suspension of disbelief because they didn't like an action movie. I can look past people and cars violating the laws of physics, and ninjas taking blows to the head that should have required a CAT scan, but I don't think we should be required to "shut off our brains" to ignore bad writing, directing or acting.

May I remind you all that The Dark Knight was fantastic not due to being a "pop corn" movie, but due to amazing directing, writing and acting.

That and please just stop with the re-makes. No really.


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