Probably a bad idea, but I just don't give a fuck.

Jul 12, 2010 11:00

The following represents an event I have made on facebook, thought of it while at jay's birthday. Anyhow, below are the details, I know most of you are already on facebook/not local, but I digress, here it go.

Hater Day

I’d like to preface the description of the event by saying this. I am a generally laid-back person, and I’d like to think a decent person, and usually non-confrontational (generally because I’ve deemed it a hassle to deal with many people’s emotional bullshit, skewed opinions, and lack of morals).

But I digress; the intent of this event is to have some good-old fashioned, mean-spirited fun. The object/purpose behind Hater Day is to travel to a place (or wander around the streets, as it may end up) and hate on everyone we see. I won’t say we’ll frown on vulgarity(and I’d prefer if racial slurs were right out, just because of the hassles I’d avoid facing-see above), but I’d prefer to see this end up as a focus on one’s creativity as it pertains to hating. Also, I’d like to keep the “hating” amongst the “haters” preferring that we not get in people’s faces (mainly because It’d be impossible for me to explain the subtle intricacies of Hater Day to your normal jack-offs).
The theme of the day will be “Screw the moral high ground”, essentially, we are surrounded by people with questionable motives and even questionable-er tastes and flaws. So we will attack them. Now, I realize there will be only so many different kinds people to hate on, and in so many ways, mainly because the “melting pot” has turned into some sort of homogenous goo of sub-humanity. But I’m sure we’ll find a way.

Time(s): 30th or 31st ??-??(I’d like to see when people are available)
Where: Wherever folks can get to, my initial idea was to start somewhere, en masse, on foot, and just wander the streets hating on folks. But after careful consideration, it’d probably be better to start somewhere sure to be ripe with people to riff on, like the mall or a Wal-Mart-esque setting, and then move elsewhere as needed."
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