Supernatural drabble: The Height of a Man [Gen, G]

Aug 27, 2006 14:02

My story for the spn_flashback ficathon is done and will be posted on time. Just have to polish a few things. It turned out looooong. 7,500 words of Sam and Dean in middle school. It really took me by surprise, and my gratitude goes to whoever came up with the prompt I chose.

In the meanwhile, a drabble.

Title: The Height of a Man
Author: dotfic
Rating: Gen, G (pre-series)
written for supernatural100's challenge #36: Gain

They've got no permanent place of their own to use to keep track. The car won't do, even if Dad would let them mark it.

But at Pastor Jim's, there are two sets of notches cut into the kitchen door. With each visit, Dean's notch is higher than Sam's.

One year when Pastor Jim makes the marks above each of them, he says thoughtfully, "Well."

The boys step away to look, and Dean's grin melts as Sam's grin broadens.

They say it at the same time: "No way!"

The marks are the same height.

After that, they stop marking notches.

supernatural fanfic, supernatural drabbles

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