SPN drabbles: Dean birthday drabbles roundup post #4

Jan 30, 2010 19:27

Here's the last batch! Victory is mine, ahaha!

Dean drabbles post #1
Dean drabbles post #2
Dean drabbles post #3

Communication skills
Dean, Sam, preseries, G, 100 words
for batyatoon, prompt: Dean as a kid, with Sammy either still preverbal or just starting to be verbal.

Dean hears Daddy just outside the open motel room door, talking to the men.

"Bah!" Sammy insists.

"What?" Dean asks.

"Bah!" Sammy says, louder, and points.

Dean looks at all the stuff on the floor, a few toys and picture books, a few stuffed animals. Nothing more than what will fit in one big duffel bag.

"Bah!" Sammy's face scrunches up. In a second, he'll start crying.

"Which one?"

Sammy huffs out a breath, points again, and Dean snatches up the stuffed bear and hands it over.

"Bah!" Sammy crows, and hugs the bear, while Dean's shoulders slump in relief.

Just such a hazard
Dean/Ellen, PG-13, post-AHBL II, 100 words
for apgeeksout who asked for Dean/Ellen, at Bobby's during/shortly after "All Hell... II". Title from Emily Dickinson.

Dean couldn't sleep. When he stepped out into the chill spring night, he found Ellen already there on Bobby's porch.

Her voice scratched over the words when she asked, what did you do?.

He didn't answer, and was pretty sure she already knew. Ellen's jaw tightened before her palm was soft against his cheek, her mouth warm over his. She made a sound low in her throat when he put his hand on the small of her back to pull her in, the dusty sweet salt taste of her skin under his tongue while she held on, and held on.

Sense memory
Dean/Jamie, PG-13, missing scene from Monster Movie, 100 words
elliemurasaki, prompt: Dean/Jamie.

"If this was a movie, guess this is the part where it irises out?" Dean says, as they reach her doorstep. She's still in the white dress.

Her mouth brushes over his ear, then along his jaw, barely touching.

Jesus, she's making it damn difficult to think, but it's been a while. Okay, technically, it's been never. He makes a small noise before he can help himself.

She grins, takes his hand, and pulls him inside. "Doesn't have to be," she murmurs, pushing him up against the door, and then Dean doesn't need to think, his body knows, and remembers.

Back seat
Dean/Castiel, PG-13, post season 5, 100 words
for smilla02, prompt: Castiel/Dean/Impala, leather, slick, heat.

At night, the temp's still hovering a little over ninety, enough that even Castiel already has a thin layer of sweat on him. Dean feels a weird glint of triumph at that, teases him about it as they slide into the back of the Impala, but Castiel shuts him up, mouth finding Dean's in the half-darkness, tongue pushing in. Dean tugs up Castiel's shirt, hands exploring up his back, everything a little fumbling because they don't have a lot of time right now. The back seat creaks, giving under them, accommodating, and the air smells of leather, sweat, and Castiel.

supernatural fanfic, supernatural drabbles

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