Roller by
I'll quote the vidder's summary, "To give it everything that she's got." A tribute to the kickass women we were never allowed to keep. Read the vidder's comments. What she said. Also zimshan says the summary was inspired by something I said (♥), so meta would be highly recursive.
So let's skip to where I flail a lot and say how THIS IS THE VID I NEEDED TO SEE and how this eased my bitter, bitter fangirl soul.
ETA: while we're here,
mclittlebitch has a tag called
totally dotfic's fault, and I want you all to know I am INNOCENT! INNOCENT AS THE DAY IS LONG. And this one was her idea. (But I did think it was funny). Anyway, she's posted a Criminal Minds fic,
Looking for the Unexpected, which aside from the funny, is about giving Garcia and Reid a friendship moment (in addition to embarrassing the heck out of Spencer Reid).