Life (the one on tv) question, and the year-end fic meme

Dec 30, 2009 17:42

I've got a gift certificate and am thinking I really, really want to own Life on DVD. But I know the songs used in broadcast are not on the DVD and from what I've heard, the original music is better. That kind of thing does matter to me -- music's an organic part of how a tv show or movie feels. I want to watch the whole series again and having that MUST POSSESS feeling about it. Any opinions as to whether they'll ever re-release with the as-aired songs, or really how crucial the songs are? I saw it only on DVD with the replacement songs and they aren't bad. It's not like I didn't feel the emotional impact.

There are 6 more episodes of Band of Brothers here waiting to be watched.

Before I go take care of that, the year-end fic meme thing!

This doesn't include drabbles. I didn't write a lot of drabbles in 2009, the words started to get all twitchy and wanted to roam free-range. But every time I did a drabble, it reminded me of why I like them, and how writing to a constrained word count kind of helps my writing muscles. Plus drabbles are a legit story form in their own right.

Total stories posted in 2009: 40

Fandoms: 5
Supernatural: 29
Merlin: 3
Leverage: 3
Gargoyles: 2
Chuck: 2

Word counts:
wc:100-1000: 12
wc:1000-2000: 16
wc:2000-5000: 9
wc:5000-10000: 2
wc:20000-50000: 1

So I'd guess I wrote something between 90,000-100,000 words in 2009 (this is not as much as I wrote in 2008 but I'm still pleased)

gen: 24
slash: 10
het: 8
(the math is fine; 1 story was tagged het and slash, because it was -- it was gen, too)

I just needed to put this out there:

Supernatural stats:
gen: 19
het: 3
slash: 7

Of the 29 stories I wrote in SPN fandom this year, 21 contain Sam Winchester.
Of the 7 Dean/Castiel stories I wrote this year, 4 of them contain Sam Winchester as a major character.
Of the 10 stories I wrote containing Castiel, 3 are gen. 2 contain both Sam and Dean.

My favorite story this year (of my own):

I have to pick JUST ONE? I mean, is this by fandom or by genre or...okay, fine. The Syntax of Things (SPN), which ripped my own heart out. It was the best of both worlds for me. That's one of those stories that yeah, I pretty much wrote it for myself because I needed a post season-4 Sam&Dean fic where they were okay with each other, and looking after each other, and the relationship was healing, and something that took a close look at how Dean/Castiel could happen, and how Castiel, and Dean/Castiel, could fit into the Dean&Sam family unit and my Id wanted it all in one shipment, tied up with a sparkly bow. (My Id is quite reasonable, so long as it gets everything its own way).

My best story this year:

Trying to Get to the Bar (SPN) -- I felt very in control of the words and language and tone in this, and I don't always, and it was a *weird* story but I was happy with how it turned out.

Story most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion:

Fandom has been incredibly generous to me with the feedback. There was a fic where I made a sadface when it didn't get a wider readership but I actually can see why it didn't (and the FB it did get was heartfelt).

Most fun story:

Does that mean to write? Nothing False and Possible (SPN) was, actually, slow going to write but it kept making me laugh. :D Because Castiel high on a weird reaction to MSG, with his inhibitions turned off and reciting dirty Latin poetry to Dean is hilarious to me.

Most sexy story:

I'm torn between On Belay (Leverage), which is a Parker/Hardison/Eliot threesome, or This Old World is Rough (SPN), which is angsty Dean/Ellen.

Story with single sexiest moment:

The last scene of The Syntax of Things.

Story with single sweetest moment:

I've known since May 2009 what the answer to this question would be this year -- the last lines of At the start of all things (SPN).

Most unintentionally *telling* story:

I think all fic is unintentionally telling; we're revealing things about ourselves we don't even know we're revealing, and some things we do.

"Holy crap, that's *wrong*, even for you" story:

Station Break (SPN). In which I used a sweet, defenseless television show about angels inappropriately.

Most disappointing story:

Arrow Through Me (Chuck). It was so much more awesome in my head.

Hardest story to write:

The Only Light We'll See (SPN). I agonized over the framing scenes, and what I did at the end, and this was supposed to be near-crack, a pastiche, light and a bit shmoopy, but then I had some very sad scenes I wrote for Sam and Dean. The fic was, in fact, all about how enduring their bond is, but it was about how difficult things could be between them too and it wound up being a lot about Sam and how he feels about hunting and about Dean.

Easiest story to write:

Station Break. It sort of...rolled out of me fully formed. (Dean/Castiel are not the boss of me! THEY ARE NOT!)

This year's theme and the story that demonstrates it most:

Family and found family, and how those bonds are tested and hold, or how they're formed. It's sort of spread out through a lot of my fic this year and over multiple fandoms. If I had to narrow it down to one fic it'd be The Syntax of Things, which was about Sam and Dean (and Bobby, and even Jimmy becoming extended found family), as well as Dean/Castiel. A large portion of the Dean and Castiel stuff in Syntax was the Dean/Castiel romance, and plenty of my Dean/Castiel stuff is about the growth of a love story and the sexual attraction, but it's also (and sometimes simultaneously) about Dean widening the circle of people he trusts and cares about. Going kicking and screaming the whole way because the more people Dean attaches to, the more chance he'll lose someone and it'll hurt. My fanon (and canon*) take on Dean regarding Castiel is he's scared Castiel will leave or die (or go darkside) *There's a fandomsecret that says it's delusional to think that Dean cares about Castiel on any level. I find that hilarious.. Which is pretty much Dean's fear about everybody, especially Sam. Like with Bobby, Ellen, and Jo, Castiel's someone who isn't related to Sam and Dean by blood willing to put it on the line for them, caring what happens to them.

eta: The list of fics what I wrote in 2009: /eta

life (the one on tv), yearly fic meme

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