Yuletide fic!

Dec 25, 2009 18:08

The dedicated and patient yuletide mods said they've deployed new code and the yuletide 2009 archive does seems to be running better now [eta: randomly. They're still working on this. It's going up and down *feeds the server chocolate* eta 2: I can't seem to get anything to load, woe]. So I guess I will now take a moment to link to the stories that were written for me. I got TWO STORIES. Two! *flails*

They are both amazing -- I am an incredibly lucky fangirl.

Life: Conversations Neatly Placed in Tired Mouths by piecesofalice is a beautifully wrought fic where Charlie, Dani, and Ted hang out at Charlie's house, and there is cake. There's also wonderfully spot-on Charlie voice, where I could hear Damien Lewis' delivery in my head, and some wonderful, sharp character insights. It's from Dani's pov and is exactly what I was craving. This fic made me incredibly happy and I want to give it a cookie and hug it and call it George.

The Iron Giant: We Live On in Legend by destina is a future!fic written for me as a bonus treat that tells us what became of Hogarth Hughes, as well as small glimpses back of Hogarth growing up, and Dean and Annie. It captures the emotional feel and the humor and sense of wonder of the movie, and I maybe teared up reading. Actually, I'm tearing up thinking about it. When the random notion popped into my head that I wanted Iron Giant fic, this is the type of thing I was hoping to get.

Random weird yuletide commenting tip from me: don't use the "<3" emoticon when leaving comments on AO3. I tried to and the sentence following the "<" got cut out of the comment. (Until the period, I think -- my inexpert opinion is that the archive interpreted "<" as coding of some sort and I confused it. Poor archive, first overloaded by eager yuletide fans, then assaulted with my fondness for the smoochies emoticon. *pats the server*). Anyway, this is LJ so I can use it here, <3<3<3<3 Yuletide wheeeeeee!

Yuletide AO3 commenting tip from the yuletide_admin -- click "Add comment" only once. Apparently it takes a bit of time for the comment form to load, it's like a separate little page.

Hope everyone had a lovely holiday, or a delightful day whatever they were up to.

janissa11 and sargraf, thank you for the v-gifts! ♥


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