Supernatural fic recs

Aug 02, 2009 09:33

I've got tons of stuff bookmarked but seem to have forgotten how to make livejournal posts about them. Oops? No, really, I have a lot of stories I want to rec.

Here's a few to start, if you're having a lazy Sunday. Gen, mostly Sam&Dean.

Warm Strangers by extraonions, Gen, 3,400 words
The author takes us through the perspectives of people Sam and Dean have saved, after the events of Jus in Bello. Terrific, poignant outsider pov.

Then go read Warm Strangers (The next of kin remix) by dsudis, Gen
Bobby's pov on the people from Warm Strangers, with a glimpse at the wider hunting culture, and Sam and Dean's place in it.

The World as We Know It by debbiel66, Gen, PG, 8,400 words
Sam and Dean after "Lucifer Rising." Believable, heartachey, and hopeful.

A Brief History of Falling by merryish, Gen, PG, 1,100 words
An intricate, intense look at Sam and Dean's dynamics, using two sparring matches. I love Sam's pov in this. Note: the author marks this gen-ish. I'd classify it as gen. There is a slight hint of Sam/Dean undercurrents.

The Arithmetic of Damnation by cjmarlowe, Gen, R, 500 words
Dean on his 30th birthday. Devastating ficlet that says a lot in few words.

A big bang rec:
Blood Ties by tahirire, Gen, 29,000 words, R for violence and gore
An interesting casefile and horror elements mixed with Sam and Dean emotional dynamics. The author shows how their relationship isn't static, how fiercely each tries to protect the other.

fanfic recs: supernatural

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