Monthly fic roundup: June and July 2009

Aug 01, 2009 12:17

All Supernatural this time (eta: which actually hasn't happened in a roundup since October 2008, but that's because I've been doing roundups 2 months at a time).

Paused, Gen, PG, 800 words, posted 6/14/2009
Maybe they could stop, just for a few hours.
Sam rotated his injured shoulder, the hot prairie sun warming the muscles as he sat next to Dean on the steps of Susan Clough's porch, an irish setter puppy on his lap.

The Syntax of Things, Dean/Castiel, R, 23,000 words, posted 6/27/2009
Set after "Lucifer Rising." Sam and Dean take refuge at Bobby's, but hiding only works for so long.

The Gratitude of Strangers, Gen, G, 400 words, archived 7/5/2009 (written in Jan 2008)
Sam glanced at Dean, a frantic look that cried, do something.

One More Mile, Gen, PG, 3,100 words, posted 7/15/2009
Five times Sam and Dean didn't hunt.
Dean smacked his little brother in the back of the head. "C'mon." He tossed his napkin in the trash and headed towards the highway. "Hey, sasquatch, I said c'mon."

A Better Fate Than Wisdom, Dean/Castiel, PG-13, 1,800 words, posted 7/17/2009
Dean will always make the same choice.
Dean's had the dream three nights running now. That moment, flickering quick and then gone like a few frames of celluloid film strip.

Oh, plus my spn_summergen story, which is sooper sekrit and anonymous.

Looks like I wrote more than it felt like.

Also, I just realized I forgot to crosspost my last few posts to DW. Oops.

monthly fic roundups

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